Cash for Clunkers Suspended

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I believe Cash for Clunkers Suspended is bad news for those who want to benefit from this program, but what else can be done if the $ 1 billion allocated by Congress for the program needed? Cash for Clunkers program will be suspended starting midnight Friday, 31 July.
Parties from the National Automobile Dealers Association has issued a statement for Cash for Clunkers Suspended:

" We do not have confirmation from the DOT before suspending clunkers program, but if the program is actually suspended, tone will continue working with the Ministry of Transportation to emphasize the importance of each agent is changed to a valid handle. We will also work together with the Obama Administration and members of Congress to meet the consumers showed interest in the cash-for-clunkers program. "

But still, you do not need to panic

Consumers and dealers do not panic. As is known, if additional funds will be provided by Congress for the Cash for Clunkers Suspended problem.


that may need 1-2 weeks to get all caught up and then car sales will continue the program. Hopefully when it returns, then there will be additional funding. Hopefully it ...

If no additional funds provided, the car dealer will get a big problem because there are focused on advertising, staff, and training for 5 days the program was dissolved.

The automotive industry can not handle Cash for Clunkers Suspended.

Read More - Cash for Clunkers Suspended

Facebook Secret Code

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I just want to share it, in between you may already know about the secret code it's.

First Trick:

Secret Code Facebook Try the facebook page, log in as you want it or not.

Click on the page is blank

Then press ON, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, ENTER
Last click or type

Later as the effect!

Facebook Secret Code

So how do the changes have not?
If you want to stay removed Refresh page or press F5 on your keyboard

Trick second

Weird language on Facebook
The most left of the facebook page, there will be a link to change language.
Click (instead of English (U.S.) or English into English (Pirate)
Oath...! The strange language.

Trick third

What more Chats
What we're chatting on facebook, can go as emoticons or other ;-(
Now go try:Putnam:
Images appear later someone
This person named Chris Putnam
Who is he?
According to the leader is a specialist software google facebook
May make the chat feature also.

Trick fourth

I mean picture!
Try to open a photo in facebook yours, which is up
right click, select properties like this

next remove the sign until a forward slash (slash)
time I try to remove the slash, which aja

such a

The resulting picture may be different

try this also

Ok just so facebook trick is, I hope it useful. and congratulations to try ...

Read More - Facebook Secret Code

Program Pay Per Click Chitika

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Get Chitika Premium Chitika...
Pasti temen blogger semua pada dah tau sama situs ini... kalo belum tau, saya kasih penjelasan dikit. Chitika adalah sebuah program pay per click sama seperti adsense dari mbah google. Cuman kalo di chitika batas untuk payoutnya cuman $10, jadi gak perlu nunggu lama buat payout. 

Untuk sistem pembayaran chitika menggunakan 2 metode:
  1. Lewat Paypal, minimum payoutnya $10
  2. Lewat check dengan minimun payoutnya $50
Nah jadi gak bakalan susah bila kita dapet bayaran, gak kayak adsense yang mesti nunggu dulu sampe $100. Gak da salahnya dicoba loh, soalnya saya juga baru daftar, doain aja moga dapet dollar banyak. Amien...

Bila ada yang berminat untuk mencoba chitika silahkan klik disini.

Read More - Program Pay Per Click Chitika

Sheila Marcia di Perkosaan di Penjara

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Akhir-akhir ini beredar berita dengan isu bahwa Sheila Marcia pernah diperkosa ketika mendekam di penjara. Sheila mengklarifikasi kabar yang menurutnya sangat merugikan tersebut.

"Tidak pernah ada statemen apapun kepada media apapun tentang pemerkosaan di penjara. Ini justru sangat merugikan dan sangat membahayakan," ujar Sheila ketika berbincang dengan detikhot via ponselnya, Senin (27/7/2009

Di beberapa forum internet, beredar link berita tentang Sheila yang mengalami pemerkosaan berkali-kali (hehehe... asyik donk) saat mendekam di Rutan Pondok Bambu. Sheila geram melihat banyak hubungan baik yang tercoreng karena isu bohong tersebut. Kepada media ataupun pihak rutan.

Selama 7 bulan mendekam di penjara, bintang film Tentang Cinta itu tak pernah mendapatkan hal-hal yang merugikan. Ia bahkan dipercaya menjadi kepala keamanan.

"Sheila tidak pernah membedakan satu sama lain dan Sheila dikenal cukup baik di kalangan teman tahanan dan petugas rutan. Sheila tidak pernah dipersulit. Sheila tidak pernah membuat statemen tersebut," tegasnya.

Read More - Sheila Marcia di Perkosaan di Penjara

Trik Hacking Facebook

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Kita belajar hacking facebook yuk

untuk caranya ikutin aja seperti dibawah ini

1. Pertama, bikin dulu sebuah file di hosting tempat anda mau bikin fake login dengan filetype: html. Kemudian kasi nama: “index.html”, sehingga di contoh URL Web adalah:

Bikin Code Sesuai Dengan Contoh Script Dibawah Ini:

Scriptcode pada no 1:
Klick Disini Untuk Lihat Scriptnya

2. Buat file logs.php di hostingan lo sendiri, contoh di bawah ini script nya.

Scriptcode pada no 2:
Klick Disini Untuk Lihat Scriptnya

3. Buatlah file kosong yg berformat txt dengan nama: logs.txt - jadi URLnya jadi:

4. Ini wajib dan harus diingat! Jangan lupa change mode semua filenya, sehingga permissionnya menjadi: 777 ( chmod + 777). Chmod 777 artinya dimana semua file dapat dibaca (r), dapat ditulis(w), dan dapat di eksekusi(x). Jadi chmod 777 adalah untuk merubah file agar file tersebut dapat di eksekusi oleh User, Groups & Other. Hasil set file permission 777 adalah (rwxrwxrwx) untuk Unix Server. Untuk masalah permission ini juga tergantung dari penyedia hosting, buat yang pake hosting gak nyediain change mode, langsung ajah dicoba tanpa memperhatikan poin ini & berdoa saja ini bisa berjalan.. Hehe..

5. Kemudian sebarkan URL yang telah loe buat, misal: “” dengan sesama user difacebook, iklan, atau spam lewat email sebanyak banyaknya. Bisa juga merajuk kepada cewe cewe / cowo cowo yang loe suka supaya klik tu login. Dijamin mantaf klo bisa dapetin username + loginnya! :D

6. Untuk melihat hasil login Username dan Passwordnya silakan buka file di logs.txt nya, nah klo ada username email beserta passwordnya. Brarti anda telah dapet login ntuh.

Contoh ujicoba aplikasi websitenya disini:

Selamat Mencoba, Semoga Berhasil..

Dan buat para Facebook’ers mania, oh ya, ni skalian gw kasi tips supaya hati hati & biar gak kna Fake Login:

1) Perhatikan dengan benar link address websitenya. Contoh klo FB linknya:

2) Jangan pernah membuka link atau bahasa pemograman (CSS, XTML, XML, atau
HTML) yang aneh. Jika di klik, kemungkinan account kita akan memberikan
username dan password kita.

3) Pakailah virtual keyboard yang bisa diperoleh dengan mudah.
Untuk Windows tampilan XP, hanya cukup klik ’start’ -> All Programs ->
Accessories -> Accessibility -> ‘On-Screen Keyboard’
Untuk Windows tampilan bukan XP, hanya cukup klik ’start’ -> Program Files
-> Accessories -> Accessibility -> ‘On-Screen Keyboard’

4) Bila bermain di Warung Internet (Warnet), hindari check-list kotak
“Remember me” pada saat login, karena hal itu dapat menyimpan username
dan password di komputer tersebut. Kecuali memakai komputer pribadi.

5) Jika anda tiba-tiba diminta login ulang, sebaiknya hati hati, karena kemungkinan halaman pe-login ulang tersebut adalah halaman palsu yang sengaja dirancang. Kekekeke..

Read More - Trik Hacking Facebook

Trik Mempercantik Facebook

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Facebook mungkin dah pada tahu ama web ini, yup ntu web yang udah berhasil sukses menyingkirkan friendster. Tapi sayang di facebook ini kita gak bisa edit layout kayak friendster, nah sekarang mah udah ketemu cara buat mempercantik tampilan facebook, mau tau caranya.?

Kita langsung aja yah,
Yang akan digunakan dalam mempercantik facebook ini adalah addon dari mozilla yaitu Stylish dari firefox.

Tahap pertama kamu donlod addon Stylish dari firefox

Trus km buka deh link berikut ini :

Nah,setelah masuk link tersebut kamu cari deh di menu searching ketik stylish

Trus kalo udh dpt di klik instal to firefox.

setelah di instal maka akan muncul addons baru bernama Stylish trus restart deh firefoxnya. Inget restart firefox nya bukan restart windows.!!! -)

Langkah Berikutnya km buka link berikut ini :
abis itu nah coba liat deh, banyak pilihan jenis dan variasi tema buat facebook kamu, tinggal pilih aja yang kamu sukai...

selanjutnya trus klik pada Menu Option km klik Load to Stylish.

Nah,sekarang coba deh km buka situs facebook trus login deh.

dan huhuhuhuhu, facebook kamu dah berunah tampilan. Nah gampang kan, kalo pengen diganti lagi tinggal kayak tadi aja,,

ywdah mo mandi dulu ah, met berfacebook ria aja....

Read More - Trik Mempercantik Facebook

Payday Loans

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What is Payday Loans.?
A payday loan is a type of loan or financial services that covers a small, short-term loan that is intended to cover a borrower's expenses until his or her next payday. It is also called as paycheck advance, payday advance or a cash advance.

I read some articles about payday loans in the internet. Usually, I encountered some people who took up to more than five payday loans and now they are bothered because they can’t afford to pay their payday loans which usually have problems with their current work, circumstances like cutting down their hours work which is probably your salary will be affected.

Some situations like this maybe have solutions. Don’t get into panic. Why not get a part time job for extra income and surely it can help you to pay that loan. And money management is important, do some priorities. Don’t get into expenses that are not important.

Getting Payday Loans

For getting payday loans, you should hold a job for last at least six month, with a fixed monthly salary. The loan amount ranges from as little as £100 to £1500, depending on your salary. The lenders do not take any security, except a post-dated cheque of the loaned amount and interest payments. On the due date of repayment, the lender will deposit the cheque in your bank for getting the loan back.

Bad credit history of the applicant is seldom a hurdle in the way of availing these loans. The lenders usually approve it without any credit checks.

You should compare payday loans offer on internet. Because of intense competition in the loan business, you are likely to borrow the money at comparatively lower interest rates. Ensure to repay the loan from the next salary cheque for improving your rating.

Read More - Payday Loans

Ways to Earn Extra Cash in Your Spare Time

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The discussion yesterday about how to earn money when you’ve lost your job got me thinking about ways to earn extra income outside regular employment. None of these are quick fixes, but they’re ways to generate cash in your spare time.

Get a second job

A second job can be an excellent way to earn extra money if you have the time and energy. Why have a second job?

* To pay off your debt
* To build up your savings
* To get more experience
* To ease into a career transition

Real-life example: In 2000, I took a second job programming computers. For several months, I was working sixty hours a week. I’ve never been so flush with money in all my life. Too bad I was a spendthrift back then — it was all wasted on computer games, comic books, and Magic cards.

Become a consultant

Earlier this year, Andréa wrote a guest entry about becoming a consultant to defeat debt quickly:

“Consulting” may sound intimidating. It’s really just a fancy word for someone who trades their knowledge and expertise for pay. Every time you make a suggestion, recommend a process, draw up a plan or manage a process, you’re using consulting skills. To get into consulting, you just need to find someone who can use your expertise.

Read more advice about how to become a consultant at Andréa’s site.

Real-life example:

After I decided that computer programming was not for me, I set up a small computer consulting business. I designed web pages, maintained networks, and repaired computers. Though I didn’t have much work (I never pursued the business as much as I could have), my hourly pay was the highest it’s ever been in my life.

Earn money from your hobbies

If you’re like most people, your hobbies cost money. They may cost lots of money. For example, I used to spend hundreds of dollars for new camera lenses just so I could take better photos of my cats. Is there a way to turn your hobby into a money-making proposition? Even if you make just a little cash, you can help offset your costs. Get Rich Slowly readers have been sharing their stories about money-making hobbies in an ongoing (though irregular) Sunday series:

* Selling digital photos
* Binding books and printing buttons
* Mystery shopping and belly dancing

Here are some more ways that you can use your hobbies to bring you wealth.

Real-life example: After spending a fortune on lenses and camera equipment, I’ve actually been able to make a little money on my hobby. The $750 I’ve generated from prizes and sales is peanuts compared to what I’ve spend on the hobby, but it’s a start.

Make money online

Wait. Didn’t I just write that blogging is no way to get rich quick? Absolutely. But blogging can be a way to supplement your income. If you have subject that you’re passionate about, and if you like to write, a blog can let you earn extra money from your expertise.

But blogs aren’t the only way to make money online. You could open an online store. You could sell things on eBay. Here’s a list of 10 ways to make money online from Web Worker Daily.

Real-life example: This blog.

Sell stuff

A final way to earn some extra cash is to sell things. Look in your closets. Check your bookshelves. Walk out to the garage. See all that junk? How much of it do you actually use? Couldn’t you borrow books from the library when you need them? When was the last time you played Mario Kart 64? Wouldn’t you feel better if your house were less cluttered?

As long as you don’t try to sell it all at once, it doesn’t take much time and effort to sell your used stuff to generate some extra cash.

* Sell your most valuable items on eBay.
* Consider selling certain specialty items to specific stores: sell your used CDs to a music store, your used Nintendo stuff to a game store, etc.
* Use Craigslist to sell bulky items, or to get rid of stuff that just won’t sell.
* Hold a garage sale to purge everything else. (Our annual garage sale is just a month away — I can’t wait.)

Real-life example:

Once or twice a year, I sell extra stuff I’ve accumulated. Each year at our garage sale, I make about $300. Every couple years, I sell more valuable items on eBay. Last year I made $1500 for a few hours of work.

Use your extra money wisely!

What should you do with the extra money you earn using these techniques? Establish an emergency fund, pay off debt, and then save for retirement!

Read More - Ways to Earn Extra Cash in Your Spare Time

Backlink Gratis Pake Sistem MLM

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Backlink gratis... siapa yang gak mau.
sekarang ada cara buat dapetin backlink gratis, cara nya sangat mudah kok kalian tinggal meletakan link-link dibawah ini diblog atau postingan kamu.

1. Kompas
3. Republika
4. Detik
5. Okezone
6. Facebook
7. Friendster
8. Google
9. Bisnis Online
10. Shevy-blog

Tapi ingat, sebelum anda meletakkan link diatas, anda harus menghapus peserta nomor 1 dari daftar. Sehingga semua peserta naik 1 level. Yang tadi nomor 2 jadi nomor 1, nomor 3 jadi 2, dst. Kemudian masukkan link anda sendiri di bagian paling bawah (nomor 10).

Jika tiap peseta mampu mengajak 5 orang saja, maka jumlah backlink yang akan didapat adalah

Ketika posisi anda 10, jumlah backlink = 1
Posisi 9, jml backlink = 5
Posisi 8, jml backlink = 25
Posisi 7, jml backlink = 125
Posisi 6, jml backlink = 625
Posisi 5, jml backlink = 3,125
Posisi 4, jml backlink = 15,625
Posisi 3, jml backlink = 78,125
Posisi 2, jml backlink = 390,625
Posisi 1, jml backlink = 1,953,125

Dan semuanya menggunakan kata kunci yang anda inginkan. Dari sisi SEO anda sudah mendapatkan 1,953,125 backlink dan efek sampingnya jika pengunjung web para downline anda mengklik link itu, anda juga mendapatkan traffik tambahan.

Nah, silahkan copy paste artikel ini, dan hilangkan peserta nomor 1 lalu tambahkan link web anda di posisi 10. Ingat, anda harus mulai dari posisi 10 agar hasilnya maksimal. Karena jika anda tiba2 di posisi 1, maka link anda akan hilang begitu ada yang masuk ke posisi 10.

Mumpung gratis gak ada salahnya dicoba..

Read More - Backlink Gratis Pake Sistem MLM

Cara Setting Domain CO.CC di Blogger

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Nah setelah sebelumnya membahas tentang daftar domain gratisan, sekarang saya akan memberitahukan tentang cara seting domai gratis buat yang punya blog di blogger, jadi agak kerenan lah. huuu....

Okeh langsung ajah ya.

langkah pertama untuk seting domain ya, login dulu ke CO.CC, ato kalo yang belum punya bisa daftar dulu (cara daftarnya bisa dilihat disini).

Setelah Login, waktunya buat setting domain yang dulu udah pernah didaftarin di CO.CC.
gini caranya Klik Nama domainnya - Kemudian klik setup.

Abis itu masuk ke akun blogger kamu, langsung saja menuju ke setting page ato halaman tempat pengaturan, kemudian ke Settings > Publishing.

Kemudian klik Switch to advanced settings. Di halaman advanced settings masukkan nama domain yang ingin anda pakai. lalu Save Settings.

Sekarang balik lagi ke ke halaman seting domain tadi. Pada halaman domain setting di website terdapat tiga pilihan utama seting domain anda.
Seting NS, Zone recoreds, atau redirect.

Untuk Blogger custom domain kita akan gunakan masukan/setingan di Zone Records.
Pada kolom Add a record,
kolom Host masukkan www dan secara otomatis akan berubah sendiri.
Pada Type pilih CNAME record.
Value isikan

yup sekarang blog kamu udah selesai pake domain gratis, okeh met nyoba aja.

Gud Lak

Read More - Cara Setting Domain CO.CC di Blogger

Daftar Domain Gratis Co.Cc

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Buat yang pengen domain gratisan, kebetulan ini ada domain gratisan, asalkan nama domain yang kita pilih belum ada yang menggunkannya. Bisa juga dipake buat mengganti nama domain blog kamu. Langsung aja deh menuju TKP.

langkah pertama daftar di bisa klik disini atau klik aja banner dibawah ini

CO.CC:Free Domain

kalo udah kita lanjut ke step 2 :
Di kotak yang tersedia , isi alamat domain yang diinginkan. Contoh. tanpa www. Klik "Check Availability". Kalau "Available" itu berarti nama domain
tersedia dan gratis tapi kalo udah dipake yah mesti bayar deh ato kamu cari aja nama domain
lainnya biar gratis, hehehe...

step ketiga :
Klik "Continue to Registration"

Klik "Create an Account Now" di bagian paling bawah.

5. Isi formulir . Jangan lupa kasih tanda(centang) di bagian paling bawah pada "I accept the Terms of Service"

6. Klik "Create an account now."
7. Proses daftar domain

Dan selamat anda telah mempunyai domain
dengan nama sendiri, gratis lagi.

Nah kalo buat domain pake hosting blogger klik disini.

Read More - Daftar Domain Gratis Co.Cc

Marriot Hotel bomb explosion in Jakarta and the Ritz

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The bomb explosion in Jakarta again. This time, the Hotel JW Marriot and Ritz Carlton in Mega Kuningan area that became the victim.

Here this video :

The explosion occurred at around 07.45 WIB. One eyewitness, Christiantoko the bomb to explode three times. Details, the first explosion occurred at the JW Marriot Hotel, the second explosion occurred at the Ritz Carlton Hotel. "After that, the third explosion occurred in the back JW Marriot, but it does not sound too loud when compared to the first and second," said Christiantoko, who day after day working in the building floor Rajawali 27.

Currently, the JW Marriot Hotel condition enough concern. Christiantoko the glass lobby JW Marriot has smithereens. "According to another eyewitness, bomb came from the hotel basement. A clear, sound, very loud explosion, "he said.

Meanwhile, another eyewitness, Husni Arifin, said the condition of Ritz Carlton is not far different. "Glass in the hotel lobby all destroyed, precisely glass cafe which is located near the entrance," Husni said that day after day in the building ngantor Prima, which is located exactly at the Ritz Carlton Hotel.

He said, a number of both hotel guests and panic seen together out of the two hotels. "And the smoke looks very thick," he said.

Read More - Marriot Hotel bomb explosion in Jakarta and the Ritz

Michael jackson in ghost Inside Neverland

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after the world's sorrow by the death of the king of the pop world (King of Pop) and the legend of Michael Jakson, now the news that he said as the bogeyman bogeyman Michael Jackson attracted worldwide attention, namely the emergence of video-like shadow and Michael Jakcson hard as guessing the figure ghost King Of Pop is.

This is her ghost Video Michael Jackson

shadowy figure who looks like Michael Jakson this CNN camera caught the middle to cover the event "Inside Neverland" which includes exclusive interviews with Larry King between Jarmaine Jackson, sister of Michael Jakcson. Events inside Neverland this show on 2 July yesterday, that is, about 7 days after his death minstrel song "Heal the world" is.

The Sun said in the recorded CNN, that the camera captures seseoran shadow running along the corridor. The shadow is passed quickly with the movement left right away.

Michael Jackson ghost, or is true only preposterous third party only?

Read More - Michael jackson in ghost Inside Neverland

About Mesothelioma

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Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is usually caused by exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma is a cancer that occurs in the mesothelium.

Mesothelioma is a cancer affecting cells in the mesothelial layer of the chest and stomach. Mesothelioma cancer can develop in the cells of the lungs or stomach. Mesothelioma is also found in the stomach and other abdominal organs, but very rarely places better pleural mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma. Mesothelioma can also occur in the ovaries and the pouch. Mesothelioma intrusion of the chest wall or esophagus during the second stage.Mesothelioma a long time to develop (usually 15-40 years), so this patient could have been infected before the 1980s, when asbestos is not regulated. Mesothelioma is not caused by smoking, including lung cancer, so often.

One of the most common symptoms of mesothelioma symptoms is an accumulation of fluid between the layers of the lungs and chest cavity. Symptoms are: abdominal painascites, or the abnormal accumulation of fluid in the belly of the mass in the stomach problems with bowel function weight. Symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, pain or swelling in the neck and face can be indications that the cancer has spread outside the mesotheliom to other parts of the body. Pleural mesothelioma symptoms include pain in the chest and heart of serious breathing problems caused by the pleural fluid, or accumulation of fluid in the pleural lining cough, weight loss and fever are also common symptoms. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include weight loss and abdominal pain and swelling due to an accumulation of fluid in the stomach. Symptoms of mesothelioma may not appear up to 20 to 50 years after exposure to asbestos.

The key to living long-term treatment of mesothelioma is diagnosed early, leaving a large potential for the success of standard therapies. Starting with the diagnosis of the patient's medical history, including history of exposure to asbestos. Diagnosis of Mesothelioma is based on a pathological exam, more commonly referred to as biopsy.Since disease can be difficult to diagnosis and expensive to treat, the consultation of experienced lawyers. When the definitive diagnosis can not be created from the liquid sample, the diagnosis is done through a surgical procedure called throrascopy.The average age at diagnosis of mesothelioma is between 50 and 70 years, with people affected by three to five times higher than women. The diagnosis can be suspected with chest X-ray and CT scan, and confirmed with a biopsy (eg network) and microscopic examination. The median life span is 17 minutes, with ten percent of patients alive three years after diagnosis.

Mesothelioma is a deadly cancer that is rare, even in recent decades the number of deceased people to have increased dramatically. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer, but one of the deadliest of all. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer, and only affect people between 2000 and 3000 in the United States per year. Mesothelioma is less common in Africa than in the United States of white America. Mesothelioma is rare in people under the age of 55. National Cancer Institute statistics show that 3000 new diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma each year. Mesothelioma is not always fatal and which hopes to continue.

Read More - About Mesothelioma

Berburu Euro Lewat Search Engine Gratis (

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Ada banyak sekali situs yang menawarkan bayaran melalui berbagai macam program, salah satunya adalah situs yang menawarkan program paid for search. Program yang ditawarkan oleh myhpf yaitu kita tinggal memasang search box, jadi setiap ada orang yang mencari melalui yang kita pasang di blog, kita mendapatkan bayaran. Atau kita juga bisa mencari sendiri setelah masuk ke dalam page member kita nah di dalam page member ada search box di situ kita mulai beraksi men-search apa yang mau kita cari.

Program ini memang begitu familiar di telinga kita, tidak seperti PTC (paid to click)atau PTR (paid to review), ataupun program-program yang laennya. Mungkin kita bisa mencoba join dengan program ini, kita tinggal memasang script search yang disediakan oleh program ini ke dalam blog kita, hasilnya lumayanlah, saya tidak akan menjelaskan lebih menjelaskan tentang berapanya hasil yang nantinnya akan kita dapatkan, btw silahkan coba sendiri. Dan yang perlu diketahui bahwa searchbox ini menggunakan platform yahoo dan yang paling penting di myhpf kita akan dibayar dengan euro bukan dollar...

Untuk setiap kali search nya kita akan dibayar 0.01 euro. Bayangkan kalo kita sehari bisa search 50 kali,
jadi 0.01 x 50 = 0.5 kalo de konfersi ke dollar = $0.5
Itu tanpa referral coba jika anda punya 5 referral pasti jeuh lebih banyak, lebih jelasnya hitung sendiri aja ya,,,,

Anda jangan kuatir kalau tidak dibayar nantinya, sebab dari pengalaman para blogger yang ikut dan dibayar, kalo masih gak percaya silahkan search aja di google,,,
Pasti dah banyak yang dapet bayaran dari hyhpf.

Untuk yang mau mencoba atau ikutan mencari pundi-punfi £££ dari bisa klik disini, atau klik banner dibawah biar lebih gampang.


Read More - Berburu Euro Lewat Search Engine Gratis (