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Template name: Restaurante
Copyright Business : Shape5
Version of the application: Joomla 1.5.x
Live Demo:

Great joomla template.
We designed Restaurante to install a set of components and the model that will allow any small restaurant to take orders online at their website. Give your shop a more professional features with the online order that this model gives you freedom.

This model also includes a theme that VirtueMart is extensively modified to suit a restaurant online. We also bring the basket and S5 column AJAX functionality. New this month IE6 is a plugin that will notify users update their browser.

* 100% tableless CSS

* Valid XHTML

* CSS Validation

* Joomla 1.5 only

* SQL dump available

* 23 module positions

* New! S5 Column Cart AJAX
* New! IE6 Upgrade Plugin

* Module changes: S5 with google map, standard VirtueMart Login

* VirtueMart Domain Included

* Sliced PSDSs included

* Site Shaper (demo quick to install)

* Fully collapsible module positions

* S5 Effects scripts powered

* Set 2 background images

* Lytebox permit

* Tool Tips enabled

* 4 Menu systems: No-MooMenu Drop Down, No-MooMenu Fading, No-Scroll Down MooMenu or Suckerfish

* Custom page and column widths

* Compatible with the following browsers:
o IE6 +

o Firefox 1.5 +

o Opera 9 +

o Safari

o Netscape

o Advant

o Chrome

Menu Styles:

Suckerfish Menu:

This menu is a Suckerfish menu system and is disabled by default but if you prefer to enable it, you can set the menu to “2″ in the “configuration model.” In Joomla 1.5 will have the option within the parameters of the model.

No. S5-MooMenu dropdown menu:

The S5 does MooMenu Drop Down Menus completely powered by S5 effects of your modules and components will not cause any conflicts using this menu system. Simply mouse over the top menu in the demo and you will see the menu without expanding SUCKERFISH in.

You do not want this fancy menu? No problem, you can switch to the standard menu system SUCKERFISH in the model configuration or completely hide the menu altogether.

No. S5-MooMenu Fading Menu:

The S5 does MooMenu Fading Menu is completely powered by S5 Effects your modules and components will not cause any conflicts using this menu system. Simply mouse over the top menu in the demo and you will see the menu without SUCKERFISH fade in

You do not want this fancy menu? No problem, you can switch to the standard menu system SUCKERFISH in the model configuration or completely hide the menu altogether

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