Facebook-an Dengan Facebook Lite

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Buat kamu yang hobi ber Facebook ria, sekarang ada fitur baru dari facebook kesayangan kita. Namanya Facebook Lite, fitur ini bisa digunakan buat kamu yang punya koneksi internet lemot.

Sebenarnya sih hampir sama ama facebook mobile, cuman kalo diliat dari segi tampilan dan kecepatan loadnya mendingan pake Facebook Lite. Tampilan di Facebook Lite desain dengan compact sehingga tidak perlu membutuhkan koneksi internet yang cepet.

Jadi buat yang punya koneksi internet gak secepat warnet kamu masih bisa buka facebook dengan menggunakan Facebook Lite.

Buat yang pengen menggunakan Facebook Lite ini langsung aja menuju situsnya di http:// lite.facebook.com trus login seperti biasa dan cobain deh facebook versi lite nya.

Met mencoba yup...

Read More - Facebook-an Dengan Facebook Lite

High Paying Keyword (HPK) ADSENSE

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Adsense, for this truly make me really curious, because it's 6 months ago I can't also reach the minimum Withdraw $ 100. Why not, one day average only $ 0.01 to $ 0.10. Sometimes more often zero or naught. What is wrong?

A result of the curious feeling that, ultimately often find information about info-adsense. The most interesting issue that is looking for PPC (High Paying Keyword). I probably appear in the ads, the ads is cheap keywordnya for this.

Now on the basis that I try to play with Adsense PPC is, how? this way

First search keyword of its high PPC with Google AdWords. After the meet, create a blog (that would seriously consider the custom domain) of English discuss issues related to that keyword. Yes its contents can be taken from the free articles, but you can change the article to be fresh content, which hold the locked PPC in a bold, underline, or italics, though more in the crawl content that Adsense ads that appear. If the posting already enough 5-6 articles, submit to search engines Google, Yahoo, MSN. Continue to enter list the social Bookmarking, such as Digg, Stumble Upon, Technorati, and link exchanger.

Well yes I was in the promo blogwalking blog. But blogwalking to foreign blog , say concerning the value of the ads that appear charge also can be assessed from clicker the IP address. I always click on the IP address he said the price is greater ..

Now with the above results daily adsense sizable increase from the minimum of $ 0.10 up to $ 3,o.

Read More - High Paying Keyword (HPK) ADSENSE

Natural Health Blogger Template

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Natural Health Blogger Template

Template name : Natural Health

Type : New Blogger Template (XML),3 Column,Navigation Bar,Search Box,Beautiful Header

Demo | Download

Natural Health Installation

  1. First Sign In to Blogger
  2. Go to LAYOUT -- Edit HTML
  3. If You need to back up your old templates, please do the back up first.
  4. Upload The XML Files.
  5. Click the Upload button.
  6. Save your template.

Read More - Natural Health Blogger Template

Charcoal2 New Blogger Template

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Demo | Download

Features Charcoal2 :

* Column Blogger Template
* Very nice navigation button
* Nicely designed to put adsense ads

Read More - Charcoal2 New Blogger Template

Menghilangkan Navbar Pada Blogger

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Artikel ini akan menjelaskan bagaimana menghilangkan navbar (Navigation Bar) pada blogger, kenapa musti diilangin.???
Sebenarnya sih gak musti dihilangkan juga, kalo menurut saya sih dengan hilangnya navbar blog jadi rada kerenan dikit. hahaha...

Untuk template blogger yang keluaran baru rata2 sudah tidak menampilkan navbar. Buat kamu yang pake template yang masih ada Navbar nya, trus pengen ngilangin tuh Navbar... ikutin aja langkah dibawah ini :

  • Kamu klik Blogger.com, trus login dulu.
  • Trus Pilih Layout / Tata Letak, kemudian pilih Edit HTML.
  • Copy script berikut ke dalam tag Template Blog kamu, tepatnya didalam tag Head.
    #navbar-iframe {
    display: none !important;

    Contoh Pemasangan Script :

    /* +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    Blogger template by http://bloggertricks.com
    URL: http://www.bloggertricks.com

    Originally it was a wordpress theme by
    Author: ChiQ Montes
    Author URL: http://wpthemedesigner.com

    Template released under the Creative Commons Atribution License,
    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- */
    #navbar-iframe {
    display: none !important;

    body {
        text-align: center;
        font: 11px Verdana;
        color: #808080;
        background: #ffffff url(http://i39.tinypic.com/3346fyf.jpg) repeat-x 0 0;
    • Kemudian simpan.
    Nah sekarang coba buka blog kamu, maka navbar pada blog kamu sekarang sudah hilang,,, Selamat Mencoba.

    Read More - Menghilangkan Navbar Pada Blogger

    ZoneAlarm Data Recovery Download

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    ZoneAlarm protects your sensitive personal and financial data from hacker attacks. It keeps your private information safe from the outside world, and can even track the source of intrusion attempts and map their whereabouts instantly, without exposing your identity or location. For iron-clad firewall protection, choose ZoneAlarm.

    Network and Program Firewall
    Delivers proactive firewall protection with multiple layers of security that stop inbound, outbound, and program attacks while remaining completely invisible to hackers.

    • Guards the network perimeter from inbound and outbound threats with the world's #1 firewall
    • Prevents spyware and other malicious programs from sending your personal information across the Internet
    • Full stealth mode to keep you concealed from anyone on the Internet
    • Protects your programs from malware

    Operating System Firewall (OSFirewall ) IMPROVED
    This additional layer of security prevents hard-to-remove spyware, including rootkits and kernel-level threats, from getting onto your PC and causing damage.

    • Identify and filter over 100,000 applications for constant protection against threats
    • Monitor program installation, registry changes and file access down to your PC's core
    • Monitor additional program actions for more thorough protection
    • Prevents malicious software from damaging files in your core Windows operating system

    Identity Theft Protection
    While ZoneAlarm continues to secure your identity information on your PC, these new Identity Theft Protection services also prevent identity theft over the Internet and even in the physical world. Learn More

    • Stops pre-approved credit card offers, which contain sensitive financial data often used by criminals for identity theft (offered via a credit industry service - US only)
    • Detects theft by monitoring both cyberspace and stolen credit card lists from vendors, consumers, and the underground. Alerts you if your credit cards are
    • Provides a low-cost, public records report to alert you of fraud, such as phony DMV records (US only)
    • Assists identity theft victims with personal telephone counseling to guide them through resolution and recovery (US only)
    • Offers identity theft education and tools to help you prevent, detect and recover from identity theft

    Anti-Spyware IMPROVED
    More robust detection and removal functions perform deeper scans at every level and purge spyware from your PC.

    • Ability to remove even the most persistent, hard-to-find spyware that infiltrate your PC at the core level

    Privacy Protection
    Manages and blocks pop-up ads, online profiling, cookies, cache, and scripts so you can surf in peace.

    Game Mode
    One-click control temporarily suppresses most security alerts and prevents them from interrupting your fun while maintaining maximum protection for your PC.

    Essential Email Security
    Quarantines suspicious attachments to help defend against unknown viruses; automatically halts outbound messages to keep you from accidentally infecting others.

    Wireless PC Protection
    Automatically detects wireless networks and secures your PC from hackers and other Internet threats wherever you're connected - at home or on the road.

    SmartDefense Service
    Provides your PC with real-time security updates, improved response to breaking spyware threats, and new attack protection capabilities.

    • SmartDefense Advisor automatically adjusts your security settings for maximum protection against the latest virus and spyware outbreaks
    • Includes DefenseNet, an early warning system that gathers data from the ZoneAlarm user community on the latest spyware and malware outbreaks
    • Leverages this vast user knowledge by including it in signature updates that protect your PC from the latest spyware attacks

    Read More - ZoneAlarm Data Recovery Download

    U Comment I Follow

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    U comment I follow Apa Sih.????
    U comment I follow  adalah istilah di mana para blogger ato pemilik blog tersebut menghapus ato mematikan atribut rel='nofollow' pada bagian komentarnya, sehingga orang yang berkomentar akan terindeks oleh search engine,

    Trus Keuntungannya Apa.?????
    Keuntungan dari U comment I follow adalah untuk membuat komentar di setiap postingan  pada blog kita menjadi banyak. U comment I follow juga merupakan hadiah buat si komentator karena udah berkomentar pada blog kita. Secara tidak langsung juga trafik blog kita bisa meningkat, karena pastinya akan banyak yang berkunjung dan berkomentar pada blog yang dofollow.

    Gimana Mengaktifkan Atribut DoFollow.?????
    Untuk mengaktifkan atribut DoFollow pada blog kamu, gampang,,, ikutin aja langkah2 dibawah ini...

    Caranya :
    1. Masuk ke account blogger, pilih "Layout" kemudian pilih "Edit HTML",
    2. Centang "Expand widget Templates",
    3. Cari kode "data:comment.authorUrl" (tanpa tanda kutip),
    4. Kemudian hapus kalimat rel='nofollow.
    5. Simpan Template blog kamu... 
    Nah sekarang blog kamu udah menganut sistem DoFollow, jadi setiap komentar yang ada diBlog kamu akan terindex oleh search Engine...

    Read More - U Comment I Follow

    Selamat Hari Blogger Internasional

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    Hari ini tepatnya hari Selasa tanggal 27 Oktober 2009, ternyata diperingati sebagai Hari Blogger Internasional. Sebenarnya gw juga baru tau kalo sekarang ini Hari Blogger Internasional, pas iseng lagi nonton Dering, Desta bilang kalo sekarang adalah Hari Blogger Internasional.

    Baru pertama ngerayain Hari Blogger Internasional, moga aja seiring dengan diperingatinya Hari Blogger Internasional blog gw yang reyot ini bisa menjadi lebih baik, bisa menjadi senjata buat blogger matre kayak gw ini. hahaha...

    Dan buat temen2 blogger lainnya met Hari Blogger Internasional aja, moga tambah lancar ngeblog nya.


    Read More - Selamat Hari Blogger Internasional

    List DoFollow Blog Directory

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    Buat kamu yang mau meningkatkan pagerank blognya, disini ada List DoFollow Blog Directory yang mempunyai PR cukup tinggi dan sangat bermanfaaat untuk backlink blog kita. Dan mungkin akan meningkatkan Pagerank dari google.co.id. OK anpa basa basi lagi nih List DoFollow Blog Directory nya :

    1. Cisco PR7
    2. Grokdotcom PR6
    3. Links PR6
    4. Greens PR6
    5. Sirpi PR6
    6. Sufehmi PR6 Indonesian+English
    7. CurryBet PR6
    8. NewCritics PR6
    9. CarlGalloway PR6
    10. MoFuse PR6
    11. SocialTimes PR6
    12. EarthEasy PR6
    13. WeblogToolsCollection PR6
    14. BusinessFinanceMag PR6
    15. JustinTadlock PR6  ( nofollow = update 9 oktober 2009 )
    16. LendingClub PR6
    17. TheMallBlog PR6
    18. HurryUpHarry PR6
    19. UncommonPhotographers PR6
    20. BrazenCareerist PR6
    21. Pintini PR6 French
    22. MarlenesCorner PR6 French
    23. Frederic-Rolin PR6 French
    24. VrPlumber PR5
    25. Knrn PR5
    26. SeoByTheSea PR5
    27. Rumahabi PR5
    28. BuzzMarketingWithBlogs PR5
    29. ByteSizeCSS PR5
    30. AstrumFutura PR5
    31. RickyJordan PR5
    32. NashuaTelegraph PR5
    33. CanadiensEnEurope PR5
    34. TimWindsor PR5
    35. WPCult PR5
    36. MouthPieceSports PR5
    37. DmbcLLC PR5
    38. DearDrMOZ PR5
    39. GravityCube PR5
    40. JustAddWater PR5
    41. RebeccaWalker PR5
    42. IncSub PR5
    43. ScienceThatMatters PR5
    44. ElleeSeymour PR5
    45. Larholm PR5
    46. Aimee PR5
    47. PitchInvasion PR5
    48. TheVirtualHandShake PR5
    49. SteveRenner PR5
    50. JankoAtWarpSpeed PR5
    51. AlemSys PR5
    52. Seolutions PR5
    53. Rumahabi PR5
    54. HenseiDemocracy PR4
    55. PolyGEEK PR4
    56. Kid666 PR4
    57. Blueverse PR4
    58. Kthread PR4
    59. BarryWise PR4
    60. RandomHacks PR4
    61. MarketingResults PR4
    62. StomperBlog PR4
    63. ThesisThemeHQ PR4
    64. MiddleZoneMusings PR4
    65. WordpressMax PR4
    66. HowToWakeUpEarly PR4
    67. LillieAmmann PR4
    68. CommunitySpark PR4
    69. MarketingBlagger PR4
    70. Snoo PR4
    71. TheJunkDrawer PR4
    72. Kikolani PR4
    73. TechJaws PR4
    74. ExtremeJohn PR4
    75. Wnagele PR4
    76. Poobah PR4
    77. BlueHatSeo PR4
    78. GrowSmartMaine PR4
    79. ThisClassicalLife PR4
    80. CostPerNews PR4
    81. EdenDevelopment PR4
    82. CreativityUnleashed PR4
    83. PqInternet PR4
    84. LinguisticsZone PR4
    85. MoviesAtMidnight PR4
    86. WorkAtHomeMomRevolution PR4
    87. DesignAdaptations PR4
    88. Selberg PR4
    89. DrownRadio PR4
    90. OMGPittsburgh PR4
    91. ScrapScene PR4
    92. MommyKnows PR4
    93. MovieBlog PR4
    94. LeoFogarty PR4
    95. LifeInTheRough PR4
    96. ExclusiveExecutiveResumes PR4
    97. PHPCafe PR4
    98. DaneMorgan PR3
    99. BlogU PR3
    100. PopcornNinja PR3
    101. AlohaTeam PR3
    102. TycoonBlogger PR3
    103. WassupBlog PR3
    104. Freyer PR3
    105. DotComMogul PR3
    106. RadPixels PR3
    107. PositiveVibesSeo PR3
    108. BlogJer PR3
    109. Asimkins PR3
    110. Pinksy PR3
    111. Ruski PR3
    112. ItsFrugalBeingGreen PR3
    113. Isuman PR3
    114. PotPolitics PR3
    115. DannyDouglass
    116. Zabadani PR3
    117. xLevel PR3
    118. GathAdams PR3
    119. FiberDreams PR3
    120. Inkatel PR3
    121. BlackWaterBlog PR3
    122. WebDirectory PR3
    123. PowerDosh PR3
    124. SlightlyMordant PR3
    125. WallpaperStop PR3
    126. DevilsLab PR2
    Nah segitu dulu ya, moga bermanfaat....

    Read More - List DoFollow Blog Directory

    Cara Membuat Blog diBlogger

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    Sekarang saya akan menjelaskan tentang bagaimana cara membuat blog di Blogger, setelah dulu pernah menjelaskan tentang bagaimana membuat blog di wordpres. OK langsung aja....

    1. Pertama-tama, kita kunjungi dulu Blogger.com. Untuk yang udah punya account Google (GMail, Orkut, Google Groups) sebelumnya, kamu bisa langsung sign-in dengan account Google anda di box yang ada di kanan atas halaman tersebut.  Untuk yang belum punya lanjut baca sampe bawah ya...

    tips blog dan seo

    2. Buat yang belum punya account Google sebelumnya. Anda akan dibawa ke halaman berikut untuk membuat account Google. Untuk mendapatkan account Google, yang anda butuhkan hanyalah sebuah alamat e-mail (bisa di Yahoo dan email provider lain).

    membuat google account

    Buat yang sudah punya account Google, sesudah kamu sign in dengan account Google kamu , anda mulai bisa membuat blog kamu . Silahkan anda tentukan nama blog anda dan alamat blog yang anda inginkan. Pastikan setelah anda memilih alamat blog kamu , anda melakukan “Cek Ketersediaan” alamat tersebut sebelum menekan tombol “Lanjutkan
    membuat blog blogger

    3. Sekarang nama dan alamat blog kamu sudah tersedia. Langkah terakhir yang harus kamu lakukan adalah menentukan themes/template untuk blog baru kamu . Saya lebih menyarankan untuk tidak berlama-lama memilih template yang disediakan saat itu karena pilihannya akan lebih banyak ketika anda mengubahnya setelah blog tersebut jadi nanti.

    template blog blogger

    ngeblog yuk


    Read More - Cara Membuat Blog diBlogger

    Cara Daftar Adsense (Tips Trik)

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    Temen2 pasti tau kan Adsense, sedikit saya jelaskan apa itu adsense. Adsense adalah program Pay per Click yang berarti program tersebut akan membayar kita setiap ada iklan dari advertiser di klik orang. Kali ini saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana cara daftar di Adsense dan agar diterima oleh pihak Adsense.
    Untuk bagi pemula yang ingin berkecimpung dengan Adsense, saya ada sedikit tips untuk kamu bila ingin diterima di Adsense. Yaitu :

    1. Buatlah blog terlebih dahulu. Bila belum tau caranya silakan baca disini.
    2. Lalu isi konten pada blog kamu, isilah dengan bahasa Inggris, untuk amannya isilah 10 artikel bahasa Inggris
    3. Jangan gunakan template default..
    4. Setelah daftar, tetaplah update dalam masa2 google memeriksa blog kamu

    Nah.. untuk daftarnya, ikuti petunjuk di bawah ini :

    1. Menuju halaman http://www.google.com/adsense/ atau http://www.adsense.com
    2. Klik Daftar Sekarang
    3. Isi form yang disediakan,  
    Contact Information Account Type,  pilih “Individual”;
    Country or Territory, pilih “Indonesia” atau negara tempat kamu tinggal.
    Payee Name (Full Name)

    Tulis nama lengkap sesuai dengan KTP, SIM atau rekening bank.
    Address line 1, isi dengan alamat lengkap rumah
    Address line 2 (optional), isi dengan alamat yang lain mis: rumah saudara, teman.
    Telpon, (tidak wajib)
    Faksimil, (tidak wajib)

    4. Lalu pilihlah akun google yang akan digunakan untuk mengakses adsense.
    5. Cek Email, klik link validasi yang dikirim otomatis ke email anda.

    Selesai.. tunggulah sampai 1-2 hari.

    Read More - Cara Daftar Adsense (Tips Trik)

    Determining browser type and version Script

    Your Ad Here

    Here’s another, more advanced, example that determines which browser the user has and lets you execute code depending on browser type to display the browser version.

    This example puts to use the if and else statements as well as several built-in JavaScript functions that handle strings. In JavaScript, text strings are considered objects, and they have some built-in properties and methods that make life easier.

    Here’s what this example uses:

  1. The length property gives you the length of the string, in characters

  2. The indexOf method searches for the occurrence of a substring and gives you the location of the first match — or –1 if there was no match. (The first character of a string is considered character 0.)

  3. The substring method lets you extract a substring from a larger string. You can pass this method the start and end locations of the substring that you want to extract.

  4. This example searches the navigator.userAgent property, which, as I introduce in "Which browser are you using?", holds the browser name and version, extracts that information, and displays it. (You really don’t have to memorize the string functions here — I put together this example because it’s often important in Ajax programming to know what browser and version the user has.).

    The script looks like.

    Determining your browser
    <script language=”javascript”>
    var versionBegin, versionEnd
    function checkBrowser()
    if(navigator.appName == “Netscape”) {
    if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf(“Firefox”) > 0) {
    versionBegin = navigator.userAgent.indexOf(“Firefox”) +
    “Firefox”.length + 1;
    versionEnd = navigator.userAgent.length;
    document.getElementById(“targetDiv”).innerHTML =
    “You have Firefox “ +
    navigator.userAgent.substring(versionBegin, versionEnd);
    if (navigator.appName == “Microsoft Internet Explorer”) {
    versionBegin = navigator.userAgent.indexOf(“MSIE “) +
    “MSIE “.length;
    if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf(“;”, versionBegin) > 0) {
    versionEnd = navigator.userAgent.indexOf(“;”, versionBegin);
    } else {
    versionEnd = navigator.userAgent.indexOf(“)”, versionBegin)
    + 2;
    document.getElementById(“targetDiv”).innerHTML =
    “You have Internet Explorer “ +
    navigator.userAgent.substring(versionBegin, versionEnd);
    <body onload=”checkBrowser()”>
    <h1>Determining your browser</h1>
    <div ID=”targetDiv”></div>

    You can see the results in picture below, where the user is using Firefox 1.0.6. Using code like this, you can figure out what browser the user has — and whether the browser he has doesn’t do what you want, put in some kind of workaround.
    One thing computers are good at is doing the same kind of task over and over, and JavaScript helps out here with loops. I take a look at them in the following
    section to set the stage for working with buttons in Web pages that the user can click.

    Read More - Determining browser type and version Script

    Explanation of AJAX

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    How Does Ajax Work?

    With Ajax, Web applications finally start feeling like desktop applications to your users. That’s because Ajax enables your Web applications to work behind the scenes, getting data as they need it, and displaying that data as you want. And as more and more people get fast Internet connections, working behind the scenes to access data is going to become all the rage. Soon,

    it’ll be impossible to distinguish dedicated desktop software from software that’s actually on the Internet, far from the user’s machine. To help you understand how Ajax works, the following sections look at Ajax from a user’s and a programmer’s perspective.

    A user’s perspective

    To show you how Ajax makes Web applications more like desktop applications, I’ll use a simple Web search as an example. When you open a typical search engine, you see a text box where you type a search term. So say you type Ajax XML because you’re trying to figure out what XML has to do with Ajax. Then, you click a Search the Web button to start the search. After that, the browser flickers, and a new page is loaded with your search results.

    A developer’s perspective

    In the article "Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications" (www.adaptivepath.com/publications/essays/archives/000385.php), Jesse James Garrett, who was the first to call this technology Ajax, made important insights about how it could change the Web. He noted that although innovative

    new projects are typically online, Web programmers still feel that the rich capabilities of desktop software were out of their reach. But Ajax is closing the gap.

    So how does Ajax do its stuff? The name Ajax is short for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, and it’s made up of several components:

    Browser-based presentation using HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

    - Data stored in XML format and fetched from the server

    - Behind-the-scenes data fetches using XMLHttpRequest objects in the browser

    - JavaScript to make everything happen

    JavaScript is the scripting language that nearly all browsers support, which will let you fetch data behind the scenes, and XML is the popular language that lets you store data in an easy format.

    Here’s an overview of how Ajax works:

    1. In the browser, you write code in JavaScript that can fetch data from the server as needed.

    2. When more data is needed from the server, the JavaScript uses a special item supported by browsers, the XMLHttpRequest object, to send a request to the server behind the scenes — without causing a page refresh.

    The JavaScript in the browser doesn’t have to stop everything to wait for that data to come back from the server. It can wait for the data in the background and spring into action when the data does appear (that’s called asynchronous data retrieval).

    3. The data that comes back from the server can be XML, or just plain text if you prefer. The JavaScript code in the browser can read that data and put it to work immediately. That’s how Ajax works — it uses JavaScript in the browser and the XMLHttpRequest object to communicate with the server without page refreshes, and handles the XML (or other text) data sent back from the server. I explain how all these components work together in more detail.

    This also points out what you’ll need to develop Web pages with Ajax. You’ll add JavaScript code to your Web page to fetch data from the server, and you’ll need to store data and possibly write server-side code to interact with the browser behind the scenes. In other words, you’re going to need access to an online server where you can store the data that you will fetch using Ajax. Besides just storing data on the

    server, you might want to put code on the server that your JavaScript can interact with. For example, a popular server-side language is PHP, and many of the examples in this book show how you can connect to PHP scripts on Web servers by using Ajax. Getting you up to speed on that language if you’re interested. So you’re going to need a Web

    server to store your data on, and if you want to run server-side programs as well, your server has to support server-side coding for the language you want to work with (such as PHP).

    Read More - Explanation of AJAX

    ListView Dalam VisualBasic

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    ListView dalam Visual Basic biasanya digunakan untuk menampilkan data, baik dari database maupun bukan, ke dalam tabel dalam bentuk list atau grid. Dengan ListView, data yang ada dapat diurutkan, ditambahkan maupun dihapus dengan mudah dari list.

    Menambahkan ListView

    Untuk menambahkan ListViewke dalam form (project), cari tool yang bernama listview pada toolbox. Jika komponen tersebut belum ada di toolbox, maka Anda harus menambahkan / mengaktifkan komponen Microsoft Common Controls. Klik kanan pada toolbox dan pilih sub menu Components… Lihat gambar berikut ini :

    ListView Dalam VisualBasic

    Mengatur Header ListView

    Untuk mengatur ListViewListView, perhatikan contoh berikut ini :

    .. .. ..
    Dim ch As ColumnHeader
    Set ch = ListView1.ColumnHeaders.Add(, , "No.", 600)
    Set ch = ListView1.ColumnHeaders.Add(, , "Kode", 900, vbCenter)
    Set ch = ListView1.ColumnHeaders.Add(, , "Nama Barang", 2300,
    Set ch = ListView1.ColumnHeaders.Add(, , "Byk", 900, vbCenter)
    Set ch = ListView1.ColumnHeaders.Add(, , "Harga Satuan", 1500,
    Set ch = ListView1.ColumnHeaders.Add(, , "Jumlah", 1580,
    ListView1.GridLines = True
    .. .. ..

    Program di atas akan mengatur header ListView menjadi 7 kolom, yaitu kolom No, Kode, Nama Barang, Byk, Harga Satuan dan Jumlah. kamujuga dapat mengatur perataan dan lebar masing-masing kolom. Tampilan ListView yang dihasilkan dari program di atas kurang lebih sebagai berikut :

    ListView Dalam VisualBasic

    Menambahkan Record (Item) ke dalam ListView

    Untuk menambahkan Record (Item) ke dalam ListView , perhatikan contoh sebagai berikut :

    .. .. ..
    Dim lv As ListItem
    Set lv = lsttampil.ListItems.Add(, , 1)
    lv.SubItems(1) = "B001"
    lv.SubItems(2) = "Buku Tulis"
    lv.SubItems(3) = "30"
    lv.SubItems(4) = "2100"
    lv.SubItems(5) = "63000"
    .. .. ..

    Program di atas akan menambahkan sebuah record (item) baru ke dalam ListView. Tampilan ListViewkurang lebih menjadi sebagai berikut :

    ListView Dalam VisualBasic

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    Creating Mailing list Application

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    In this time I will show, how to make a simple mailing list application with VB. The application allows the entry of information (names and addresses) to build a mailing list. An added feature is a timer that keeps track of the time spent entering addresses. After each entry, rather than write the information to a database (as we would normally do), the input information is simply displayed in a Visual Basic message box. We present this example to illustrate the steps in building an application. If you feel comfortable building this application and understanding the corresponding code, you probably possess the Visual Basic skills needed to proceed with this course.

    1. Start a new project. Place two frames on the form (one for entry of address information and one for the timing function). In the first frame, place five labels, five text boxes, and two command buttons. In the second frame, place a label control, a timer control and three command buttons. Remember you need to ‘draw’ controls into frames. Resize and position controls so your form resembles this:

    2. Set properties for the form and controls (these are just suggestions – make any changes you might like):

    Name frmMailingList
    BorderStyle 1-Fixed Single
    Caption Mailing List Application

    Name fraMail
    Caption Address Information
    Enabled False

    Caption Name

    Caption Address

    Caption City

    Caption State

    Caption Zip

    Name txtInput
    Index 0 (a control array)
    TabIndex 1
    Text [blank it out]

    Name txtInput
    Index 1
    TabIndex 2
    Text [blank it out]

    Name txtInput
    Index 2
    TabIndex 3
    Text [blank it out]

    Name txtInput
    Index 3
    TabIndex 4
    Text [blank it out]

    Name txtInput
    Index 4
    TabIndex 5
    Text [blank it out]

    Name cmdAccept
    Caption &Accept
    TabIndex 6

    Name cmdClear
    Caption &Clear

    Name fraTime
    Caption Elapsed Time

    Name lblElapsedTime
    Alignment 2-Center
    Backcolor White
    BorderStyle 1-Fixed Single
    Caption 00:00:00
    FontBold True
    FontSize 14

    Name timSeconds
    Enabled False
    Interval 1000

    Name cmdStart
    Caption &Start

    Name cmdPause
    Caption &Pause
    Enabled False

    Name cmdExit
    Caption E&xit

    When done, the form application should appear something like this:

    3. Put these lines in the General Declarations area of the code window:

    Option Explicit
    Dim ElapsedTime As Variant
    Dim LastNow As Variant

    4. Put these lines in the Form_Load event procedure:

    Private Sub Form_Load()
    ElapsedTime = 0
    End Sub

    5. Put this code in the txtInput_KeyPress event procedure:

    Private Sub txtInput_KeyPress(Index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer)
    'Check for return key
    If KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn Then
    If Index = 4 Then
    txtInput(Index + 1).SetFocus
    End If
    End If
    'In Zip text box, make sure only numbers or backspace pressed
    If Index = 4 Then
    If (KeyAscii >= Asc("0") And KeyAscii <= Asc("9")) Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else KeyAscii = 0 End If End If End Sub

    Note the line beginning with ‘If (KeyAscii >= Asc(“0”) And ...’ is so long that the word processor wraps the line around at the margin. Type this as one long line, not two separate lines or review the use of the Visual Basic line continuation character (_). Be aware this happens quite often in these notes when actual code is being presented.

    6. Put this code in the cmdAccept_Click event procedure:

    Private Sub cmdAccept_Click()
    Dim S As String, I As Integer
    'Accept button clicked - form label and output in message box
    'Make sure each text box has entry
    For I = 0 To 4
    If txtInput(I).Text = "" Then
    MsgBox "Each box must have an entry!", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Error"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    Next I
    S = txtInput(0).Text + vbCrLf + txtInput(1).Text + vbCrLf
    S = S + txtInput(2).Text + ", " + txtInput(3).Text + " " + txtInput(4).Text
    MsgBox S, vbOKOnly, "Mailing Label"
    Call cmdClear_Click
    End Sub

    7. Put this code in the cmdClear_Click event procedure:

    Private Sub cmdClear_Click()
    Dim I As Integer
    'Clear all text boxes
    For I = 0 To 4
    txtInput(I).Text = ""
    Next I
    End Sub

    8. Put this code in the cmdStart_Click event procedure:

    Private Sub cmdStart_Click()
    'Start button clicked
    'Disable start and exit buttons
    'Enabled pause button
    cmdStart.Enabled = False
    cmdExit.Enabled = False
    cmdPause.Enabled = True
    'Establish start time and start timer control
    LastNow = Now
    timSeconds.Enabled = True
    'Enable mailing list frame
    fraMail.Enabled = True
    End Sub

    9. Put this code in the cmdPause_Click event procedure:

    Private Sub cmdPause_Click()
    'Pause button clicked
    'Disable pause button
    'Enabled start and exit buttons
    cmdPause.Enabled = False
    cmdStart.Enabled = True
    cmdExit.Enabled = True
    'Stop timer
    timSeconds.Enabled = False
    'Disable editing frame
    fraMail.Enabled = False
    End Sub

    10. Put this code in the cmdExit_Click event procedure:

    Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
    'Exit button clicked
    End Sub

    11. Put this code in the timSeconds_Timer event procedure:

    Private Sub timSeconds_Timer()
    'Increase elapsed time and display
    ElapsedTime = ElapsedTime + Now - LastNow
    lblElapsedTime.Caption = Format(ElapsedTime, "hh:mm:ss")
    LastNow = Now
    End Sub

    12. Save the application. Run the application. Make sure it functions as designed. Note that you cannot enter mailing list information unless the timer is running.

    Read More - Creating Mailing list Application

    Mesothelioma Laws

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    Mesothelioma Causes:
    Asbestos is a strong mineral that has been used for various purposes, which in between to make it resistant to fire. When asbestos is broken or damaged, will form a fine fiber. These thin fibers such as needles and float easily in air. Asbestos dust in the demolition of public buildings, factories or workshops.

    Mesothelioma laws

    Mesothelioma lawsuit to allow a person to file a case if the disease has been developed by exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma laws provides legal, resources, settlements, and legal services.

    A person can claim compensation if the person has developed mesothelioma from exposure to deadly asbestos. To meet the requirements for a claim, you must be quick since most states vary in the range from one to three years for mesothelioma cases. Once the diagnosis has been confirmed, the mesothelioma sufferer should immediately seek legal counsel and assistance quickly to ensure the best chance for compensation of personal damages.

    If you want to build a case, you must Preparation Mesothelioma law firm, and make sure you are looking for an experienced mesothelioma lawyer and proper medical attention.

    Compensation is given depends on many factors, from the disease mesothelioma and vary from hundreds of thousands of dollars, to millions of dollars.
    A mesothelioma laws can really help you in filing the lawsuit claimed compensation for diseases developed through exposure to asbestos.

    Read More - Mesothelioma Laws