Memasang Widget Related Posts Pada Blog

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Buat temen2 yang pengen Memasang Widget Related Posts Pada Blognya silakan ikuti langkah2 dibawah ini.

  1. Silakan masuk ke situs ini:

  2. Kemudian klik menu Get Key and Install
  3. Pada kolom Your blog address:, silahkan masukan url blog kamu.Kemudian klik Get Key and Installation steps.
  4. Copy Kode Script yang diberikan, contohnya seperti dibawah ini.

    <script src=""/>
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"/>
    <div id="related_posts"></div></script>

  5. Setelah itu masuk ke akun blogger kamu.
  6. Pilih tab Tata Letak / Layout, kemudian pilih add wigdet, pilih HTML / JavaScript.
  7. Kemudian paste script tadi, kedalam widget.
  8. Atur posisi widget sesuai keinginan kamu.
  9. simpan widget, dan lihat hasilnya...

Read More - Memasang Widget Related Posts Pada Blog

Interactive Marketing Agency And Marketing services

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Interactive Marketing Agency,
Interactive Marketing Agency is a powerful way for businesses to achieve its marketing goals, especially for you an online business start-ups are building your business. And it will not hurt you to use the services of marketing agents.

Marketing Agency
By using the marketing agency you do not have to waste your time to work hard at marketing the products you offer, you can just sit back and mengunggu results. Because of the professional marketing agent will always satisfy the customer.

Marketing Service
Services provided marketing agent varies depending on your needs, and usually include service marketing agency as follows:

  • Search Engine Marketing & Optimization
  • Blogging & Twitter / Creating voice conversations with customers
  • Social Media Marketing
  • PPC Management
  • Online Community / User generated content
  • Email Marketing
  • Viral Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Widget Development
  • Microsites / Landing page

Above services helps consumers, especially in view of competition between online businesses are now very strict. So for those of you who want to market your product, this way is highly recommended.

Many people have been using marketing service to market their products, and they achieve what they want.

Read More - Interactive Marketing Agency And Marketing services

Menambahkan Efek Text Berjalan (Marquee) Pada Blog

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Efek teks berjalan atau efek marquee, merupakan efek teks yang sangat sederhana namun efek tersebut bisa membuat blog kamu tampil beda. Berikut contoh dari efek Marquee...

Efek Marquee Kiri Ke Kanan / Kanan Ke Kiri

Efek Marquee Dari kanan ke kiri

Berikut script untuk membuat efek seperti di atas :
Catatan : Ganti tulisan Efek Marquee Dari kiri ke kanan dengan teks kamu.

Efek Marquee Dari kiri ke kanan
Untuk membuat efek Efek Marquee Dari Kanan ke kiri, scriptnya sama seperti diatas, kamu tinggal mengganti script direction="right" ganti dengan direction="Left".

Efek Marquee Dari Atas Ke Bawah / Bawah Ke Atas

Efek Marquee Dari Atas ke Bawah

Berikut script untuk membuat efek seperti di atas : 

Efek Marquee Dari Bawah ke atas

Untuk membuat efek Efek Marquee Dari bawah ke atas , scriptnya sama seperti diatas, kamu tinggal mengganti script direction="down" ganti dengan direction="up".

Met Mencoba,,,

Read More - Menambahkan Efek Text Berjalan (Marquee) Pada Blog

Mesothelioma In Facts

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Mesothelioma is one of the deadliest diseases has been found by man. Mesothelioma is a malignant tumor that rapidly proliferating type of cancer that affects the mesothelial cells of several organs, the mesothelium is the protective thin covering over organs such as heart, lungs and stomach.

Whatever is the verbal definition given for this deadly disease, one thing is for sure is the deadliness of this disease is fatal. That is a fatal disease that really has too much to take in the grip. Maximum period of life after the disease has been diagnosed, it is one or two years. This is a severe form of cancer that is not curable. However, some studies have suggested that if the disease can be diagnosed at a very early stage of the life of the individuals who will be affected by this deadly disease, can be stretched to at most 5 years.

Main cause of mesothelioma is a long exposure to asbestos. Usually this disease affects people and found that workers work in industries that use asbestos as an important input to the process of bringing different. It is used in the manufacturing, automotive, shipping and construction. Direct exposure to loose asbestos fibers can develop the symptoms of mesothelioma, but cells infected can remain in the body to sleep in a long time about 15-20 years without causing any symptoms immediately.

But the worst of this disease is the fact that this disease is generally detected in older days ie at the age of 50-60 years and also in most of the last stage, so that it is possible to reduce each of the recovery. This is why people who have been taken in a lot of asbestos particles should be scanned regularly for any symptoms of mesothelioma. Government policy that has the authority to mesothelioma patients to claim compensation. They can file lawsuits with the help of their attorneys for claiming such compensation.

Mesothelioma victims can sue the company that does not work for social responsibility, but is more concerned about the profit flow, and does not perform any steps to protect workers from the side effects from the use of asbestos.

Read More - Mesothelioma In Facts

Download Any Book with Google

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As we know, there are many sites on the Internet that allow us to share files or upload large files in such or or rapidshare. Such sites are widely used to share files that contain video, audio, and the most important is the eBook FREE. Usually diprovide links have a certain period from the time a file is uploaded. Therefore google search results - providing a link that we're looking for - do not guarantee that the link is expired or not. Or sometimes removed by the site owner for the files to share pirated files is known is that they do not want to take risks.

Fine, we'll start with a google search using the following keywords

site: "ebook"
Bingo, the result is a links like below that I only show some of it, including Harry Potter books, PHP and Project Management.
Filename: Suse 9.3 For Dummies - Downloads: 2. Filesize: 6.8 MB. Description: Suse 9.3 ebook. Advertise with us • Report abuse • Contact us ... - 37k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
Description: Harry.Potter.And.The.Half.Blood.Prince.eBooK.iNTERNAL-defacto - Upload by Staz. Advertise with us • Report abuse • Contact us • Privacy policy ... - 37k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
Description: Advertise with us • Report abuse • Contact us • Privacy policy ... - 41k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

Seen from search results that the book Project Management is a new book published by April 2005. Amazing is not it? You may not need to Amazon or whatever it again to buy a ebook. The Keyword can be varied with other keywords as possible Cisco, Microsoft, network, and so on.

Want another tips with Google? For syntax details from google hack and several ways to hack with google can be seen in the book "Hack Attack". On another occasion, I will show more tips. Just wait for the time? -?
Once again, I am not responsible for what is related to this article. I just want to "share" some knowledge that might be useful..

Read More - Download Any Book with Google

Membuat Tool Google Backlink Checker

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Seperti judulnya Membuat Tool Google Backlink Checker, kali ini saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana membuat backlink checker dengan cara yang sederhana dan bisa dimasukan pada blog kamu sebagai widget untuk para pengunjungnya...

Tanpa basa basi lagi berikut langkah2nya :

Login ke akun Blogger kamu, langsung menuju Layout / Tata Letak, kemudian masuk tab Page Element / Elemen Halaman.

Kemudian klik Add Gadget / Tambah Gadget.

Pilih HTML / Java Script.

Kemudian masukan kode script dibawah ini.

<form method="get" action="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><input style="background-color:#CCCCCC; color:#000000; font-size:14px;" name="q" value="link:" maxlength="255" size="40" type="text"><input value="Check Backlinks" type="submit"><input value="en" name="hl" type="hidden"></form>

Catatan : Untuk menggunakannya masukan URL target setelah Link:
Contoh : Link: kemudian klik check backlinks

Read More - Membuat Tool Google Backlink Checker

Membuat Horisontal Menu CSS di Blogger

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 Iseng search dengan kata kunci Membuat Horisontal Menu CSS di Blogger, eh nemu satu tutor yang lumayan bagus juga. Bila ada temen2 blogger yang pengen bikin menu horisontal sendiri silakan dicoba.
Berikut Langkah Membuat Horisontal Menu CSS di Blogger :
  • Login ke Akun blogger kamu, dari halaman dashboard pilih tata letak kemudian pilih edit html.
  •  Cari kode </head>.
  • Kemudian copy kode dibawah ini, dan simpan setelah kode </head>

<style type='text/css'>

div#navmenu { margin: 0 0 0 0px; padding: 0; height: 44px; float: left;overflow:hidden;background-color:#323232;width:100%; }
div#navmenu ul { display: block; margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 2px; height: 44px; float: left; }
div#navmenu ul li { display: block; margin: 0; padding: 0 2px 0 0; float: left; height: 44px; }
div#navmenu ul li a, div#navmenu ul li a:visited {
display: block; margin: 0; padding: 5px 0 0 0; height: 39px; line-height: 39px;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 10px; text-transform: uppercase;
color: #ffffff;float: left;
div#navmenu ul li a span, div#navmenu ul li a:visited span {
display: block; float: left; margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 26px;
height: 39px; line-height: 39px;
color: #ffffff;
div#navmenu ul li a span span, div#navmenu ul li a:visited span span {
display: block; float: left; margin: 0; padding: 0 26px 0 0;
height: 39px; line-height: 39px;
color: #ffffff;
div#navmenu ul li a:hover, div#navmenu ul li.current_page_item a, div#navmenu ul li.current_page a:visited {
color: #ff9600;
background: transparent url(&#39;;) repeat-x scroll left bottom; text-decoration: none;
div#navmenu ul li a:hover span, div#navmenu ul li.current_page_item a span, div#navmenu ul li.current_page_item a:visited span {
background: transparent url(&#39;;) no-repeat scroll left bottom; text-decoration: none;
color: #ff9600;
div#navmenu ul li a:hover span span, div#navmenu ul li.current_page_item a span span, div#navmenu ul li.current_page_item a:visited span span {
background: transparent url(&#39;;) no-repeat scroll right bottom; text-decoration: none;
color: #ff9600;


Catatan : script yang berwarna biru bisa kamu ganti dengan url gambar kamu.
  • Simpan template kamu.
  • Sekarang pergi ke Tata Letak - Dalam page element pilih add widget atau tambah widget - Kemudian pilih HTML / JAVASCRIPT. Lalu masukan kode scrript di bawah ini.
<div id='navmenu'>

<li class='current_page_item'><a href='#'><span><span>Home</span></span></a></li>

<li class='page_item page-item-2'><a href='#' title='HTML Tutorials'><span><span>HTML</span></span></a></li>

<li class='page_item page-item-3'><a href='#' title='CSS Tutorials'><span><span>CSS</span></span></a></li>

<li class='page_item page-item-4'><a href='#' title='JS Tutorials'><span><span>Java Script</span></span></a></li>

<li class='page_item page-item-5'><a href='#' title='About us'><span><span>About</span></span></a></li>

<li class='page_item page-item-6'><a href='#' title='Contact us'><span><span>Contact</span></span></a></li>


selesai sekarang lihat hasilnya,,,

Contoh Horisontal Menu CSS di Blogger

Read More - Membuat Horisontal Menu CSS di Blogger

Script Refresh Blog Secara Otomatis

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Artikel ini akan menjelaskan bagaimana membuat script yang bisa merefresh blog secara otomatis. Mungkin ada sebagian blogger yang membutuhkannya, berikut script dan langkahnya :
  • Login ke akun blogger kamu, kemudian masuk dashboard, masuk ke menu layout, pilih tab Edit HTML.
  • Cari script ini  (yang berwarna merah).
  • Copy kode script dibawah dan simpan setelah kode <head>
<meta HTTP-EQUIV='refresh' content='15;URL='/>

Catatan:  Ganti dengan alamat blog kamu.
Angka 15 merupakan delay time, angka tersebut bisa kamu ganti sesuai keinginan kamu.

  • Sekarang simpan, lihat hasilnya,,,
Semoga bermanfaat,,,

    Read More - Script Refresh Blog Secara Otomatis

    5 Plugin Firefox untuk Search Engine Optimization

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    Berikut ini adalah beberapa plugin Mozilla Firefox yang bisa digunakan untuk SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

    Ini adalah Plugin SEO untuk Firefox, yang memberikan berbagai informasi tentang halaman yang Anda kunjungi, seperti PageRank, backlink, rincian penanda sosial, Whois info, dan banyak lagi. Mungkin ini salah satu Plugin terlengkap untuk kebutuhan SEO kamu di Firefox.

    Download SEOQuake

    Plugin ini memberikan informasi tentang backlinks, PageRank halaman, informasi header, file robots.txt, informasi whois, dll.

    download SEOpen

    Plugin ini memberi kamu informasi dari Google PageRank, Alexa Rank, dan link Nofollow.

    download SearchStatus

    RankQuest SEO Toolbar
    Plugin yang sangat populer ini memberikan lebih dari tiga puluh tools SEO.

    download RankQuest SEO Toolbar

    Ini adalah add-on yang memberikan kata kunci penting pada salah satu halaman pada blog kamu.

    download KGEN

    Read More - 5 Plugin Firefox untuk Search Engine Optimization

    Menggunakan Google Trends untuk Traffik Instant

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    Menggunakan Google Trends untuk Traffic Instant

    Layanan Google Trends ini cocok untuk blogger yang haus akan traffic, karena dengan tools ini kita bisa mencari tahu keyword apa saja yang paling banyak dicari saat ini. Dengan begitu kita bisa membuat artikel yang memang sedang dicari banyak orang, otomatis bisa juga buat ningkatin traffic blog secara instant.

    Untuk Caranya :

    Buka website Google Trends, cari kata kunci di 'Today's Hot Trends' bagian. Setiap hari Google akan mempebaharui kata kunci / keyword berdasarkan geografis.

    Tips Google Trend

    Berikut adalah beberapa tips dan teknik ketika menggunakan Google Trends.

    • kamu bisa memisahkan keyword dengan bar vertikal (|) bukan koma untuk mengetahui kecenderungan tentang pencarian yang berisi istilah.
    • Mengecualikan keyword pencarian kamu dengan mengawali keyword dengan tanda minus. Seperti di Alaska -Ohio
    • Klik disini untuk mendapatkan Trends dikirim ke RSS feed.
    • Dalam rangka mengusulkan fitur baru ke Google Trends, silakan log on ke halaman Google Trends Groups .


    Google Trends adalah Tools yang sangat berguna untuk mengetahui berita apa yang paling panas saat ini. Jika kamu menggunakannya dengan baik, kamu bisa meningkatkan traffik blog..

    Read More - Menggunakan Google Trends untuk Traffik Instant

    SImbol Perlawanan Dari Ketidakadilan Prita

    Your Ad Here

    Gerakan koin untuk Prita Mulyasari tidak sekedar fenomena biasa. Masyarakat telah menemukan cara sendiri untuk melawan ketidakadilan. Fenomena ini merupakan simbol perlawanan rakyat terhadap ketidakadilan. Prita sebagai simbol orang lemah. Sedangkan RS Omni itu simbol pihak yang berkuasa.

    Menurut alumnus FH UII Yogyakarta, Ketua Komisi Yudisial (KY) Busyro Muqoddas  ini, dukungan solidaritas masyarakat terhadap Prita Mulyasari harus sebagai kritik, kesadaran, dan wujud suara keadilan yang hidup di masyarakat. Sebagai manusia yang bertugas untuk membawa keadilan, hakim dituntut belajar dari fenomena tersebut.
    Fenomena koin harus 'dibaca' oleh kalangan hakim sebagai pelajaran. Ini pelajaran untuk hakim yang tidak sensitif terhadap sense of justice,

    Penghitungan koin-koin dukungan terhadap Prita Mulyasari masih terus berlangsung. Ketiga kakak Prita pun turun tangan membantu menghitung koin. Hingga pada tanggal 15 Desember 2009 jumlah koin yang berhasil dihitung senilai Rp 152.500.000.,

    Semoga saja ibu Prita cepat dibebaskan dari kasus yang tidak adil ini,,,

    Informasi dari

    Read More - SImbol Perlawanan Dari Ketidakadilan Prita

    Tips Meningkatkan Google Pagerank

    Your Ad Here

    PageRank atau PR adalah nilai yang diberikan oleh google terhadap suatu website. Nilai PageRank dapat menentukan ranking suatu website pada pencarian google.

    Beberapa keuntungan bila mempunyai PageRank yang tinggi:
    1. Dapat meningkatkan posisi blog kamu di SERP.
    2. Meningkatkan trafik blog atau blog kamu.
    3. Dan tentu saja merupakan peluang untuk mencari $$$, terutama dari PTR (Paid To Review).
    4. Web ato blog kamu berjaya di dunia maya.
    Ada beberapa tips untuk dapat meningkatkan PageRank web atau blog kamu, seperti yang saya jelaskan dibawah.

    Tips Meningkatkan Google Pagerank
    • One Way Backlink / Baclink Satu Arah
    Disebut One Way Backlink bila ada blog atau web lain yang me-Link ke blog atau situs kamu, dengan relasi dofollow tentunya. One Way Backlink sangat efektif untuk meningkatkan Pagerank Blog atau web kamu.

    • Two Way Baclink / Backlink dua arah
    Backlink dua arah merupakan cara yang paling populer dikalangan blogger, sering disebut juga Tukeran Link / Link Exchange. Contoh ada blog A dan blog B, dan mereka melakukan tukeran link, maka Blog A akan melink ke Blog B, dan blog B pun akan melink ke blog A. kek win win solution gitu...

    • Pakailah keyword yang tertarget.
    Sangat disarankan untuk menggunakan Meta Keyword yang tertarget, maksudnya gunakan keyword yang memang relevan dengan isi dari blog kamu. Hal yang paling penting jangan mengulang kata yang sama dalam memasukan keyword.
    Jangan masukan keyword lebih dari 25 keyword...

    Sekian tips nya moga bermanfaat, maaf jika masih banyak kekurangan...

    Read More - Tips Meningkatkan Google Pagerank

    The symptoms of mesothelioma

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    Mesothelioma does not have many symptoms in the early stages. The symptoms can be caused by cancer and suppress the growth of nerve or other organs when they do develop.

    The symptoms of mesothelioma 2 main different types.
    • With symptoms of pleural mesothelioma
    • Pain in lower back or the side of the chest
    • A cough continues
    • shortness of breath
    • A hoarse or husky voice
    • Losing more than 10% of the weight if not dieting
    • Sweating and fevers
    • Difficulty swallowing
    • With membrane mesothelioma symptoms
    • Pain in the abdomen (stomach)
    • swelling in the abdomen
    • Feeling or being sick
    • Lack of appetite
    • Losing more than 10% of the weight if not dieting
    • diarrhea or constipation
    These symptoms are more likely caused by some other disease, rather than by mesothelioma. But if you have symptoms, see your doctor. This is important especially if you have been exposed to asbestos in the past.

    Read More - The symptoms of mesothelioma

    Epithelial Mesothelioma

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    Mesothelioma is a rare and deadly cancer caused by asbestos exposure. Asbestos is extremely dangerous and carcinogenic substances ever used regularly in widely used in industry and homes and buildings. Dust from the inhaled asbestos irreversible and cause damage to the lungs. The most common in industries that used asbestos, including construction, insulation, paper, building ships, railroads, auto parts and ceramics (2).

    There are three main types of mesothelioma, the epithelial, sarcomatous (also called the fiber), and biphasic / mixed (2) (6). The most common epithelial is the type of the disease and is found in 50-70% of cases. Epithelial mesothelioma is a cancer of epithelial tissue, which is the membranes that line your internal organs. Epithelial mesothelioma has a better prognosis than other types (3), although still very deadly form of cancer.

    The median length of life of a patient with mesothelioma only eleven months (1). This is because the disease is often not diagnosed and treated until much later, in the early stages because the symptoms are often very vague and include shortness of breath and chest pain (1). This is very important to consult a doctor immediately in a way without mild symptoms, especially if you know that you have been exposed to asbestos. If caught early, there is a better prognosis.

    Mesothelioma live with the new price increase and more aggressive treatment. They are also much better if the disease is caught at an early stage of aggressive is the most effective treatment. There is a 50% rate after five years of life if the cancer was caught at stage 1 and aggressive treatment can be started immediately (4). Aggressive treatment is less effective in advanced stages and are used to try to stop the cancer spreading to other parts of the body (1).

    Mesothelioma types is determined by medical tests and biological cells such as needle biopsies. However, often epithelial mesothelioma may be difficult to diagnose accurately because it can also be seen as highly anaplastic lung cancer or other metastatic cancer (5). Sometimes it's necessary to use diagnostic tool for accurate diagnosis.

    Epithelial mesothelioma, as well as other types, can develop in different areas of the body. Can be found in the cells of the pleural lung, stomach or in the pericardium. The most common place for the existing form in the cells of the pleural lung, which reaches 60% of cases (3), with the membrane (abdominal) involvement is also very common. Pericardial mesothelioma occurs when cancer develops in the membrane, or epithelial tissue, around the heart and is actually quite rare (1).

    Common symptoms of pleural mesothelioma include shortness of breath, chest discomfort, chest pain and others such as pneumonia symptoms. Many times there may be no symptoms at all until the more advanced stage of cancer (3). Membrane, or abdominal mesothelioma can also cause shortness of breath, and weight gain, bowel problems, anemia, swelling of the feet and swelling in the abdomen.

    Treatment for epithelial mesothelioma is more similar to other types of mesothelioma and can include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Maintenance and operations performed more frequently depending on the cancer stage and the region located in the body of the type of mesothelioma. Chemotherapy has not proven to be very effective in epithelial cancers (2) and not used alone, although still can be used in conjunction with other forms of treatment.

    Chemotherapy and radiation used to kill cancer cells and thereby reduce the size of the tumor. However, this treatment will also kill and destroy healthy cells as well, which produces the various symptoms associated with the type of treatment. You have to understand all the risks and side effects that occurred in the pre-treatment and ready with what is expected.

    There are several options available to operations that epithelial mesothelioma, depending on the stage of cancer, the affected areas of the body, and under certain circumstances as a whole. Your doctor will go through the options available to you and all the benefits and risks of each. You should also make sure to ask your doctor lots of questions and make sure you have a thorough understanding of your situation to be able to make decisions about your care.

    Surgery for epithelial mesothelioma can be used for various medical reasons. Treatment, including surgery, can be used to try to heal or to improve the longevity and life chances. Sometimes surgery is used to reduce the patient's symptoms and make them more comfortable. This is known as palliative surgery (1) and is often an option for cancer patients is more advanced.

    Receiving a diagnosis of epithelial mesothelioma is a very scary and experience. Many patients received a diagnosis through a variety of intense emotions that closely resembles the process of grieving, including denial and anger. This is a normal human response, though not to let this get in the way to take charge of your situation and receive prompt treatment. Action and involvement can make a difference in the lives and quality of the final result.

    'Epithelial Mesothelioma' Resources:

    Mesothelioma Cancer Treatment Center. "Epithelial mesothelioma cancer." Epithelial mesothelioma: Early Detection and Treatment. Date documented.

    Accessed: July 24, 2007. WebMD. "Mesothelioma." Emedicine from WebMD. February 9, 2007.

    Accessed: July 24, 2007. News asbestos. "Epithelial malignant Mesothelioma." Asbestos News: devoted mesothelioma and Information About Asbestos Exposure. 2006.

    Read More - Epithelial Mesothelioma

    Pericardial Of Mesothelioma

    Your Ad Here

    The following articles in Pericardial mesothelioma will explain this condition is, what causes and symptoms of Pericardial mesothelioma

    Pericardial mesothelioma is a type of cancer associated with asbestos that affects the lining that surrounds the heart muscle. Although the form of mesothelioma is sometimes referred to as lung cancer, cancers that initially did not really affect the lungs. Pericardial mesothelioma affects the lining of the heart, which is the medical term for the lining of the heart, and serous membranes of the lungs.

    Pericardial mesothelioma caused by asbestos exposure. Long exposure and inhalation of asbestos dust, which made the building, maintenance, and repair of goods containing asbestos, is the only known cause of pericardial mesothelioma (5). However, he did not really understand how these asbestos dust, or microscopic asbestos fibers are brought, became trapped in the pericardium or membranes. One theory is that asbestos fibers in the damaged lungs and transferred via the bloodstream to the pericardium and serous membranes. With other types of thin mesothelioma have been shown the system to assist in the transfer of asbestos fibers from one part of the body. This route can also explain the distribution of fibers that cause pericardial mesothelioma (5).

    Since the spread of fiber is more difficult for this region of the body of pericardial mesothelioma is a rare form of the disease. In fact, the type of asbestos cancer contributed only 6% of all mesotheliomas (1).

    Exposure to asbestos and asbestos dust does not directly result in mesothelioma. In fact, these symptoms may take up to thirty years for the first time appeared. That is why it is important to understand the symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma if you've been there for exposure to asbestos dust. A clear understanding of the symptoms and knowledge about what to look for early signs of this disease may increase the chance of early diagnosis and treatment increase the likelihood of success.

    Pericardial mesothelioma symptoms are similar to symptoms seen with pleural mesothelioma and include shortness of breath, chest pain, coughing continued, heart Palpitations, extreme and fatigue after the light energy or activity (2). Although it is best to recognize the symptoms and documents in the early development of pericardial mesothelioma, most symptoms do not occur until the disease has progressed into the later stages.

    Symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma is not directly due to the disease itself. Conversely, symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, and heart Palpitations, caused by an accumulation of fluid around the heart. This fluid is not a symptom of pericardial mesothelioma. On the other hand is a by-product that has expanded cancerous tumors (1). As pericardial mesothelioma grows in the lining of the heart that causes an expansion of the surrounding tissue. This expansion led to the building of the excess fluid puts pressure on surrounding organs like the liver and lungs. This pressure is actually a cause of chest pain and shortness of breath. Swelling in the network will also reduce the space to be allowed inhaled air, thus reducing the oxygen available to the body. Reduced oxygen supply can cause early and extreme fatigue.

    If anyone who has a history of asbestos exposure began to suffer symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma is important that they seek medical attention immediately. A prompt and proper diagnosis is the first step in the treatment of mesothelioma. After a diagnosis of alternative medicine, such as surgery, can increase the rate of long-term individual life.

    In order to physicians to make an accurate diagnosis of pericardial mesothelioma are many steps must be taken and various tests to be done. Most medical professionals begin the process of medical diagnosis full of history. This history will contain detailed questions about asbestos exposure, such as the date of exposure, circumstances of exposure, and duration of asbestos exposure. The next step in testing is usually pericardial mesothelioma medical imaging. Most traditional doctors starting with x-ray to get a general picture of heart health. From there the doctor to find more detail with CT scans and MRIs. A biopsy, a procedure where a small needle inserted into the affected tissue in order to draw a sample of suspected mesothelioma, can be used to confirm or deny the existence of mesothelioma in the lining of the heart (6).

    Currently this test is the only reliable method for detecting and diagnosing pericardial mesothelioma, or any mesotheliomas. Current research, but focused on the development of more accurate testing method. This diagnostic aids are designed to promote early detection and help prolong the life diagnosed with pericardial mesothelioma (3).

    After an accurate diagnosis of pericardial mesothelomia has made correct treatment can be started. However, it is important to understand that the cure for mesothelioma is not currently available and most forms of treatment that is focused not to make the patient comfortable during the development of the disease and prolonging life in affected individuals (6).

    Options for treatment of pericardial mesothelioma include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and drug therapy. The operation is usually not recommended for treatment of pericardial mesothelioma unless disease is caught in a very early stage when the procedure would be most effective. Radiation therapy, a procedure that employs both high-energy radiation in the form of an x-ray-emitting radiation or materials incorporated into the body affecting the region, which is used to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors large pericardial mesothelioma. Types of treatment therapy has proven to be most successful with the type of mesothelioma cancer and usually one treatment done.

    Chemotherapy, a procedure in which drugs and chemicals are injected into the veins, is also used to target and kill cancer cells. This type of treatment is the second most common form is used to treat pericardial mesothelioma but also contain a high risk for side effects that are not desirable.

    One type of pericardial mesothelioma treatment involves removal of fluid from the chest and abdominal areas. This procedure, thoracentesis and paracentesis, are not actually treat or cure the mesothelioma, they instead focus on relieving the pressure caused by fluid build up and relieving the pain and symptoms associated with the building.

    Events pericardial mesothelioma research aimed at finding new ways to treat and cure this form of cancer. IMRT (Instensity Modulated Radiation Therapy), PDT (Photodynamic Therpay), gene therapy, biological therapy, and new drugs such as Alimta and Veglin is showing promising results and offers new hope for those diagnosed with pericardial mesothelioma (4).

    Pericardial mesothelioma is a rare disease and death directly linked to asbestos exposure. Greatest chance of life lies in early detection so that every person who has been exposed to asbestos dust are encouraged to seek regular in the middle of check-ups and legal advice.

    'Pericardial Mesothelioma' Resources:

    Warren WH: The clinical diagnosis and manifestation of mesothelioma. In Mesothelioma: Diagnosis and Management. Edited by CF intriguing. Chicago: Year Book, 1987: 31.

    Pass HI: Emerging translational therapies for mesothelioma. Chest 1999, 116:455 S-460S. Quinn DW: Pericardial mesothelioma: the diagnostic dilemma of misleading images. Ann Thorac Surg 2000, 69:1926-1927.

    Read More - Pericardial Of Mesothelioma

    $100 Dari Facebook Via PayPal WishList

    Your Ad Here

    Akhir ini dihebohkan dengan berita dapet duit $100 dari facebook via paypal wishlist, Paypal WishList merupakan promo program baru dari paypal. Paypal Wishlist memberikan kesempatan kepada para pengguna facebook untuk memperoleh uang sebesar $100. Dengan hanya mendaftar saja temen2 sudah mendapat $1 sebagai bonus.

    Kemudian jika temen2 ingin mengumpulkan dollar sampe $100, temen2 musti mengajak pengguna facebook lainnya untuk bergabung dengan paypal.

    Untuk masalah pembayaran Paypal Wishlist, Pembayaran akan dilakukan pada tanggal 28 Februari 2010. Jadi masih banyak waktu buat ngumpulin $100.

    Langkah2 Cara mendaftar Paypal Wishlist :

    • Silakan Login dengan ke account Facebook temen2.
    • Kemudian klik disini
    • Masukkan alamat email Paypal temen2. Jika belum punya Paypal klik disini untuk cara membuat Account Paypal.
    • Langkah terakhir tinggal membuat Wishlist temen2. Lalu share aja langsung ke teman-teman kamu di Facebook.
    Nah sekarang tinggal merefer orang di facebook buat ikutan pake Paypal, biar earning kita dapet $100...
    Met berburu earning..,

    Read More - $100 Dari Facebook Via PayPal WishList

    Kode Smiley Chatting di Facebook

    Your Ad Here

    Buat yang sering chating di Facebook, biar chatnya tambah rame kamu bisa masukin emoticon smiley. Emang sederhana sih, ya tapi daripada tidak ada sama sekali...

    Ini dia List Kode Smiley Chatting di Facebook 

      happy :-) :) :] =)

    robot :|]

      curly lips :3

      pacman :v

      upset >:O >:-O >:o >:-o

      confused o.O O.o

      squint -_-

    kiki ^_^

    heart <3

    kiss :-* :*

    angel O:) O:-)

    devil 3:) 3:-)

    Shark (^^^)

       unsure :/ :-/ :\ :-\

       cry :'(

       grumpy >:( >:-(

      sunglasses 8-| 8| B-| B|

      glasses 8-) 8) B-) B)

      wink ;-) ;)

      gasp :-O :O :-o :o

      grin :-D :D =D

      tongue :-P :P :-p :p =P

      sad :-( :( :[ =(

      Chris Putnam :putnam:

    Ok segitu dulu infonya, met berchatting ria aja.

    Read More - Kode Smiley Chatting di Facebook

    Trik Cepat Download Album Foto Facebok

    Your Ad Here

    Cara Cepat Download album foto di facebook.?? hehehe...
    Trik ini mungkin sangat bermanfaat buat temen2 yang hobi mengkoleksi foto foto dari Facebook, biasanya para cowo yang hobi ngoleksi foto foto cewe cakep buat di pajang jadi walpaper, entah di hp ato di kompi. hehehe...
    Nah trik ini menggunakan add-on dari mozilla yaitu mozilla FacePad, dengan menggunakan add-on ini kamu gak perlu repot2 download satu2 fotonya, karena semua foto didalam album Facebook bisa didownload secara sekaligus. Untuk caranya baca langkahnya dibawah...

    • Langkah pertama, musti download dulu add-on FacePad. Kemudian install, biasanya otomatis terinstall pada saat selesai mendownload. Jika diminta untuk merestart mozilla, restart aja mozilla nya.
    • Buka halaman profil target yang akan didownload album fotonya.
    • Klik kanan diatas nama album, ini yang penting... Musti klik kanan diatas nama album bukan diatas fotonya...
    • Kemudian pilih "Download Album With FacePad"
    • Tunggu bentar, kemudian akan keluar  jendela download mozilla, berarti proses download sedang berlangsung.
    • Tunggu sampai download selesai, kemudian tinggal buka deh fotonya satu per satu..
     Nah moga bermanfaat, met berburu foto aja...

    Read More - Trik Cepat Download Album Foto Facebok

    Berburu Dollar Dari Linkworth

    Your Ad Here

    Buat blogger matre pemula, dan pengen nambahin penghasilan ngeblog bisa daftar Paid to Review salah satunya Linkworth. Di Linkworth kita sebagai publisher bisa menghasilkan $$$ lebih banyak, karena program dari linkworth bukan hanya Link Post (Paid to Review) aja, tapi ada juga Link TXT, Link Ads, Link Words, pokonya banyak deh...

    Nah Yang mau daftar LinkWorth Berikut caranya :

    • Klik Disini
    • klik SIGNUP
    • Pada Pilihan Account Type pilih Partner Account, karena kita hanya akan menjadi Publisher bukan advertiser..
    • kemudian akam muncul form yang harus di isi
    • Silahkan isi dan jika keluar silang berarti kamu salah memasukan data
    • masukkan referal saya silahkan yaitu : 27774
    • Klik create account
    • Langsung cek email kamu karena linkworth akan dikirim email verifikasi keanggotaaan anda
    • Silahkan aktifasi account anda dengan membuka email
    • Kemudian klik LOGIN
    • kemudian akan Muncul Form untuk memasukkan nama blog ato web site
    • Pilih salah satu atau lebih program untuk kamu ikuti
    • Submit
    • Setelah berhasil akan ada konfirmasi sebagai member user.
    • Masukan data data yang dibutuhkan
    • setelah submit, anda tinggal setting cara pembayaran.
    • accepting Payment Methods are Business Checks, Direct Deposit, Bank to Bank Wire or Paypal. 
    Pembayaran menggunakan paypal bisa dilakukan jika jumlah earning kamu udah $25, mendingan pilih paypal aja, biar gampang, trus minimal payout nya lebih kecil dibanding yang lainnya...

    Setelah langkah diatas selesai, tinggal tunggu aja Approval dari pihak linkworth nya, kira kira 1 - 2 hari kerja. Jangan lupa kalo udah diterima linkworth sering2 login aja sapa tau ada job yang bisa kita kerjakan...
    Job biasanya banyak pada jam2 malam, antara jam 01 malem ampe shubuh...

    Met Berburu Dollar aja ya, cmangat...

    Read More - Berburu Dollar Dari Linkworth

    Facebook-an Dengan Facebook Lite

    Your Ad Here

    Buat kamu yang hobi ber Facebook ria, sekarang ada fitur baru dari facebook kesayangan kita. Namanya Facebook Lite, fitur ini bisa digunakan buat kamu yang punya koneksi internet lemot.

    Sebenarnya sih hampir sama ama facebook mobile, cuman kalo diliat dari segi tampilan dan kecepatan loadnya mendingan pake Facebook Lite. Tampilan di Facebook Lite desain dengan compact sehingga tidak perlu membutuhkan koneksi internet yang cepet.

    Jadi buat yang punya koneksi internet gak secepat warnet kamu masih bisa buka facebook dengan menggunakan Facebook Lite.

    Buat yang pengen menggunakan Facebook Lite ini langsung aja menuju situsnya di http:// trus login seperti biasa dan cobain deh facebook versi lite nya.

    Met mencoba yup...

    Read More - Facebook-an Dengan Facebook Lite

    High Paying Keyword (HPK) ADSENSE

    Your Ad Here

    Adsense, for this truly make me really curious, because it's 6 months ago I can't also reach the minimum Withdraw $ 100. Why not, one day average only $ 0.01 to $ 0.10. Sometimes more often zero or naught. What is wrong?

    A result of the curious feeling that, ultimately often find information about info-adsense. The most interesting issue that is looking for PPC (High Paying Keyword). I probably appear in the ads, the ads is cheap keywordnya for this.

    Now on the basis that I try to play with Adsense PPC is, how? this way

    First search keyword of its high PPC with Google AdWords. After the meet, create a blog (that would seriously consider the custom domain) of English discuss issues related to that keyword. Yes its contents can be taken from the free articles, but you can change the article to be fresh content, which hold the locked PPC in a bold, underline, or italics, though more in the crawl content that Adsense ads that appear. If the posting already enough 5-6 articles, submit to search engines Google, Yahoo, MSN. Continue to enter list the social Bookmarking, such as Digg, Stumble Upon, Technorati, and link exchanger.

    Well yes I was in the promo blogwalking blog. But blogwalking to foreign blog , say concerning the value of the ads that appear charge also can be assessed from clicker the IP address. I always click on the IP address he said the price is greater ..

    Now with the above results daily adsense sizable increase from the minimum of $ 0.10 up to $ 3,o.

    Read More - High Paying Keyword (HPK) ADSENSE

    Natural Health Blogger Template

    Your Ad Here

    Natural Health Blogger Template

    Template name : Natural Health

    Type : New Blogger Template (XML),3 Column,Navigation Bar,Search Box,Beautiful Header

    Demo | Download

    Natural Health Installation

    1. First Sign In to Blogger
    2. Go to LAYOUT -- Edit HTML
    3. If You need to back up your old templates, please do the back up first.
    4. Upload The XML Files.
    5. Click the Upload button.
    6. Save your template.

    Read More - Natural Health Blogger Template

    Charcoal2 New Blogger Template

    Your Ad Here

    Demo | Download

    Features Charcoal2 :

    * Column Blogger Template
    * Very nice navigation button
    * Nicely designed to put adsense ads

    Read More - Charcoal2 New Blogger Template

    Menghilangkan Navbar Pada Blogger

    Your Ad Here

    Artikel ini akan menjelaskan bagaimana menghilangkan navbar (Navigation Bar) pada blogger, kenapa musti diilangin.???
    Sebenarnya sih gak musti dihilangkan juga, kalo menurut saya sih dengan hilangnya navbar blog jadi rada kerenan dikit. hahaha...

    Untuk template blogger yang keluaran baru rata2 sudah tidak menampilkan navbar. Buat kamu yang pake template yang masih ada Navbar nya, trus pengen ngilangin tuh Navbar... ikutin aja langkah dibawah ini :

    • Kamu klik, trus login dulu.
    • Trus Pilih Layout / Tata Letak, kemudian pilih Edit HTML.
    • Copy script berikut ke dalam tag Template Blog kamu, tepatnya didalam tag Head.
      #navbar-iframe {
      display: none !important;

      Contoh Pemasangan Script :

      /* +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
      Name: SCHEMER MAG
      Blogger template by

      Originally it was a wordpress theme by
      Author: ChiQ Montes
      Author URL:

      Template released under the Creative Commons Atribution License,
      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- */
      #navbar-iframe {
      display: none !important;

      body {
          text-align: center;
          font: 11px Verdana;
          color: #808080;
          background: #ffffff url( repeat-x 0 0;
      • Kemudian simpan.
      Nah sekarang coba buka blog kamu, maka navbar pada blog kamu sekarang sudah hilang,,, Selamat Mencoba.

      Read More - Menghilangkan Navbar Pada Blogger

      ZoneAlarm Data Recovery Download

      Your Ad Here

      ZoneAlarm protects your sensitive personal and financial data from hacker attacks. It keeps your private information safe from the outside world, and can even track the source of intrusion attempts and map their whereabouts instantly, without exposing your identity or location. For iron-clad firewall protection, choose ZoneAlarm.

      Network and Program Firewall
      Delivers proactive firewall protection with multiple layers of security that stop inbound, outbound, and program attacks while remaining completely invisible to hackers.

      • Guards the network perimeter from inbound and outbound threats with the world's #1 firewall
      • Prevents spyware and other malicious programs from sending your personal information across the Internet
      • Full stealth mode to keep you concealed from anyone on the Internet
      • Protects your programs from malware

      Operating System Firewall (OSFirewall ) IMPROVED
      This additional layer of security prevents hard-to-remove spyware, including rootkits and kernel-level threats, from getting onto your PC and causing damage.

      • Identify and filter over 100,000 applications for constant protection against threats
      • Monitor program installation, registry changes and file access down to your PC's core
      • Monitor additional program actions for more thorough protection
      • Prevents malicious software from damaging files in your core Windows operating system

      Identity Theft Protection
      While ZoneAlarm continues to secure your identity information on your PC, these new Identity Theft Protection services also prevent identity theft over the Internet and even in the physical world. Learn More

      • Stops pre-approved credit card offers, which contain sensitive financial data often used by criminals for identity theft (offered via a credit industry service - US only)
      • Detects theft by monitoring both cyberspace and stolen credit card lists from vendors, consumers, and the underground. Alerts you if your credit cards are
      • Provides a low-cost, public records report to alert you of fraud, such as phony DMV records (US only)
      • Assists identity theft victims with personal telephone counseling to guide them through resolution and recovery (US only)
      • Offers identity theft education and tools to help you prevent, detect and recover from identity theft

      Anti-Spyware IMPROVED
      More robust detection and removal functions perform deeper scans at every level and purge spyware from your PC.

      • Ability to remove even the most persistent, hard-to-find spyware that infiltrate your PC at the core level

      Privacy Protection
      Manages and blocks pop-up ads, online profiling, cookies, cache, and scripts so you can surf in peace.

      Game Mode
      One-click control temporarily suppresses most security alerts and prevents them from interrupting your fun while maintaining maximum protection for your PC.

      Essential Email Security
      Quarantines suspicious attachments to help defend against unknown viruses; automatically halts outbound messages to keep you from accidentally infecting others.

      Wireless PC Protection
      Automatically detects wireless networks and secures your PC from hackers and other Internet threats wherever you're connected - at home or on the road.

      SmartDefense Service
      Provides your PC with real-time security updates, improved response to breaking spyware threats, and new attack protection capabilities.

      • SmartDefense Advisor automatically adjusts your security settings for maximum protection against the latest virus and spyware outbreaks
      • Includes DefenseNet, an early warning system that gathers data from the ZoneAlarm user community on the latest spyware and malware outbreaks
      • Leverages this vast user knowledge by including it in signature updates that protect your PC from the latest spyware attacks

      Read More - ZoneAlarm Data Recovery Download

      U Comment I Follow

      Your Ad Here

      U comment I follow Apa Sih.????
      U comment I follow  adalah istilah di mana para blogger ato pemilik blog tersebut menghapus ato mematikan atribut rel='nofollow' pada bagian komentarnya, sehingga orang yang berkomentar akan terindeks oleh search engine,

      Trus Keuntungannya Apa.?????
      Keuntungan dari U comment I follow adalah untuk membuat komentar di setiap postingan  pada blog kita menjadi banyak. U comment I follow juga merupakan hadiah buat si komentator karena udah berkomentar pada blog kita. Secara tidak langsung juga trafik blog kita bisa meningkat, karena pastinya akan banyak yang berkunjung dan berkomentar pada blog yang dofollow.

      Gimana Mengaktifkan Atribut DoFollow.?????
      Untuk mengaktifkan atribut DoFollow pada blog kamu, gampang,,, ikutin aja langkah2 dibawah ini...

      Caranya :
      1. Masuk ke account blogger, pilih "Layout" kemudian pilih "Edit HTML",
      2. Centang "Expand widget Templates",
      3. Cari kode "data:comment.authorUrl" (tanpa tanda kutip),
      4. Kemudian hapus kalimat rel='nofollow.
      5. Simpan Template blog kamu... 
      Nah sekarang blog kamu udah menganut sistem DoFollow, jadi setiap komentar yang ada diBlog kamu akan terindex oleh search Engine...

      Read More - U Comment I Follow

      Selamat Hari Blogger Internasional

      Your Ad Here

      Hari ini tepatnya hari Selasa tanggal 27 Oktober 2009, ternyata diperingati sebagai Hari Blogger Internasional. Sebenarnya gw juga baru tau kalo sekarang ini Hari Blogger Internasional, pas iseng lagi nonton Dering, Desta bilang kalo sekarang adalah Hari Blogger Internasional.

      Baru pertama ngerayain Hari Blogger Internasional, moga aja seiring dengan diperingatinya Hari Blogger Internasional blog gw yang reyot ini bisa menjadi lebih baik, bisa menjadi senjata buat blogger matre kayak gw ini. hahaha...

      Dan buat temen2 blogger lainnya met Hari Blogger Internasional aja, moga tambah lancar ngeblog nya.


      Read More - Selamat Hari Blogger Internasional

      List DoFollow Blog Directory

      Your Ad Here

      Buat kamu yang mau meningkatkan pagerank blognya, disini ada List DoFollow Blog Directory yang mempunyai PR cukup tinggi dan sangat bermanfaaat untuk backlink blog kita. Dan mungkin akan meningkatkan Pagerank dari OK anpa basa basi lagi nih List DoFollow Blog Directory nya :

      1. Cisco PR7
      2. Grokdotcom PR6
      3. Links PR6
      4. Greens PR6
      5. Sirpi PR6
      6. Sufehmi PR6 Indonesian+English
      7. CurryBet PR6
      8. NewCritics PR6
      9. CarlGalloway PR6
      10. MoFuse PR6
      11. SocialTimes PR6
      12. EarthEasy PR6
      13. WeblogToolsCollection PR6
      14. BusinessFinanceMag PR6
      15. JustinTadlock PR6  ( nofollow = update 9 oktober 2009 )
      16. LendingClub PR6
      17. TheMallBlog PR6
      18. HurryUpHarry PR6
      19. UncommonPhotographers PR6
      20. BrazenCareerist PR6
      21. Pintini PR6 French
      22. MarlenesCorner PR6 French
      23. Frederic-Rolin PR6 French
      24. VrPlumber PR5
      25. Knrn PR5
      26. SeoByTheSea PR5
      27. Rumahabi PR5
      28. BuzzMarketingWithBlogs PR5
      29. ByteSizeCSS PR5
      30. AstrumFutura PR5
      31. RickyJordan PR5
      32. NashuaTelegraph PR5
      33. CanadiensEnEurope PR5
      34. TimWindsor PR5
      35. WPCult PR5
      36. MouthPieceSports PR5
      37. DmbcLLC PR5
      38. DearDrMOZ PR5
      39. GravityCube PR5
      40. JustAddWater PR5
      41. RebeccaWalker PR5
      42. IncSub PR5
      43. ScienceThatMatters PR5
      44. ElleeSeymour PR5
      45. Larholm PR5
      46. Aimee PR5
      47. PitchInvasion PR5
      48. TheVirtualHandShake PR5
      49. SteveRenner PR5
      50. JankoAtWarpSpeed PR5
      51. AlemSys PR5
      52. Seolutions PR5
      53. Rumahabi PR5
      54. HenseiDemocracy PR4
      55. PolyGEEK PR4
      56. Kid666 PR4
      57. Blueverse PR4
      58. Kthread PR4
      59. BarryWise PR4
      60. RandomHacks PR4
      61. MarketingResults PR4
      62. StomperBlog PR4
      63. ThesisThemeHQ PR4
      64. MiddleZoneMusings PR4
      65. WordpressMax PR4
      66. HowToWakeUpEarly PR4
      67. LillieAmmann PR4
      68. CommunitySpark PR4
      69. MarketingBlagger PR4
      70. Snoo PR4
      71. TheJunkDrawer PR4
      72. Kikolani PR4
      73. TechJaws PR4
      74. ExtremeJohn PR4
      75. Wnagele PR4
      76. Poobah PR4
      77. BlueHatSeo PR4
      78. GrowSmartMaine PR4
      79. ThisClassicalLife PR4
      80. CostPerNews PR4
      81. EdenDevelopment PR4
      82. CreativityUnleashed PR4
      83. PqInternet PR4
      84. LinguisticsZone PR4
      85. MoviesAtMidnight PR4
      86. WorkAtHomeMomRevolution PR4
      87. DesignAdaptations PR4
      88. Selberg PR4
      89. DrownRadio PR4
      90. OMGPittsburgh PR4
      91. ScrapScene PR4
      92. MommyKnows PR4
      93. MovieBlog PR4
      94. LeoFogarty PR4
      95. LifeInTheRough PR4
      96. ExclusiveExecutiveResumes PR4
      97. PHPCafe PR4
      98. DaneMorgan PR3
      99. BlogU PR3
      100. PopcornNinja PR3
      101. AlohaTeam PR3
      102. TycoonBlogger PR3
      103. WassupBlog PR3
      104. Freyer PR3
      105. DotComMogul PR3
      106. RadPixels PR3
      107. PositiveVibesSeo PR3
      108. BlogJer PR3
      109. Asimkins PR3
      110. Pinksy PR3
      111. Ruski PR3
      112. ItsFrugalBeingGreen PR3
      113. Isuman PR3
      114. PotPolitics PR3
      115. DannyDouglass
      116. Zabadani PR3
      117. xLevel PR3
      118. GathAdams PR3
      119. FiberDreams PR3
      120. Inkatel PR3
      121. BlackWaterBlog PR3
      122. WebDirectory PR3
      123. PowerDosh PR3
      124. SlightlyMordant PR3
      125. WallpaperStop PR3
      126. DevilsLab PR2
      Nah segitu dulu ya, moga bermanfaat....

      Read More - List DoFollow Blog Directory

      Cara Membuat Blog diBlogger

      Your Ad Here

      Sekarang saya akan menjelaskan tentang bagaimana cara membuat blog di Blogger, setelah dulu pernah menjelaskan tentang bagaimana membuat blog di wordpres. OK langsung aja....

      1. Pertama-tama, kita kunjungi dulu Untuk yang udah punya account Google (GMail, Orkut, Google Groups) sebelumnya, kamu bisa langsung sign-in dengan account Google anda di box yang ada di kanan atas halaman tersebut.  Untuk yang belum punya lanjut baca sampe bawah ya...

      tips blog dan seo

      2. Buat yang belum punya account Google sebelumnya. Anda akan dibawa ke halaman berikut untuk membuat account Google. Untuk mendapatkan account Google, yang anda butuhkan hanyalah sebuah alamat e-mail (bisa di Yahoo dan email provider lain).

      membuat google account

      Buat yang sudah punya account Google, sesudah kamu sign in dengan account Google kamu , anda mulai bisa membuat blog kamu . Silahkan anda tentukan nama blog anda dan alamat blog yang anda inginkan. Pastikan setelah anda memilih alamat blog kamu , anda melakukan “Cek Ketersediaan” alamat tersebut sebelum menekan tombol “Lanjutkan
      membuat blog blogger

      3. Sekarang nama dan alamat blog kamu sudah tersedia. Langkah terakhir yang harus kamu lakukan adalah menentukan themes/template untuk blog baru kamu . Saya lebih menyarankan untuk tidak berlama-lama memilih template yang disediakan saat itu karena pilihannya akan lebih banyak ketika anda mengubahnya setelah blog tersebut jadi nanti.

      template blog blogger

      ngeblog yuk


      Read More - Cara Membuat Blog diBlogger

      Cara Daftar Adsense (Tips Trik)

      Your Ad Here

      Temen2 pasti tau kan Adsense, sedikit saya jelaskan apa itu adsense. Adsense adalah program Pay per Click yang berarti program tersebut akan membayar kita setiap ada iklan dari advertiser di klik orang. Kali ini saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana cara daftar di Adsense dan agar diterima oleh pihak Adsense.
      Untuk bagi pemula yang ingin berkecimpung dengan Adsense, saya ada sedikit tips untuk kamu bila ingin diterima di Adsense. Yaitu :

      1. Buatlah blog terlebih dahulu. Bila belum tau caranya silakan baca disini.
      2. Lalu isi konten pada blog kamu, isilah dengan bahasa Inggris, untuk amannya isilah 10 artikel bahasa Inggris
      3. Jangan gunakan template default..
      4. Setelah daftar, tetaplah update dalam masa2 google memeriksa blog kamu

      Nah.. untuk daftarnya, ikuti petunjuk di bawah ini :

      1. Menuju halaman atau
      2. Klik Daftar Sekarang
      3. Isi form yang disediakan,  
      Contact Information Account Type,  pilih “Individual”;
      Country or Territory, pilih “Indonesia” atau negara tempat kamu tinggal.
      Payee Name (Full Name)

      Tulis nama lengkap sesuai dengan KTP, SIM atau rekening bank.
      Address line 1, isi dengan alamat lengkap rumah
      Address line 2 (optional), isi dengan alamat yang lain mis: rumah saudara, teman.
      Telpon, (tidak wajib)
      Faksimil, (tidak wajib)

      4. Lalu pilihlah akun google yang akan digunakan untuk mengakses adsense.
      5. Cek Email, klik link validasi yang dikirim otomatis ke email anda.

      Selesai.. tunggulah sampai 1-2 hari.

      Read More - Cara Daftar Adsense (Tips Trik)

      Determining browser type and version Script

      Your Ad Here

      Here’s another, more advanced, example that determines which browser the user has and lets you execute code depending on browser type to display the browser version.

      This example puts to use the if and else statements as well as several built-in JavaScript functions that handle strings. In JavaScript, text strings are considered objects, and they have some built-in properties and methods that make life easier.

      Here’s what this example uses:

    1. The length property gives you the length of the string, in characters

    2. The indexOf method searches for the occurrence of a substring and gives you the location of the first match — or –1 if there was no match. (The first character of a string is considered character 0.)

    3. The substring method lets you extract a substring from a larger string. You can pass this method the start and end locations of the substring that you want to extract.

    4. This example searches the navigator.userAgent property, which, as I introduce in "Which browser are you using?", holds the browser name and version, extracts that information, and displays it. (You really don’t have to memorize the string functions here — I put together this example because it’s often important in Ajax programming to know what browser and version the user has.).

      The script looks like.

      Determining your browser
      <script language=”javascript”>
      var versionBegin, versionEnd
      function checkBrowser()
      if(navigator.appName == “Netscape”) {
      if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf(“Firefox”) > 0) {
      versionBegin = navigator.userAgent.indexOf(“Firefox”) +
      “Firefox”.length + 1;
      versionEnd = navigator.userAgent.length;
      document.getElementById(“targetDiv”).innerHTML =
      “You have Firefox “ +
      navigator.userAgent.substring(versionBegin, versionEnd);
      if (navigator.appName == “Microsoft Internet Explorer”) {
      versionBegin = navigator.userAgent.indexOf(“MSIE “) +
      “MSIE “.length;
      if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf(“;”, versionBegin) > 0) {
      versionEnd = navigator.userAgent.indexOf(“;”, versionBegin);
      } else {
      versionEnd = navigator.userAgent.indexOf(“)”, versionBegin)
      + 2;
      document.getElementById(“targetDiv”).innerHTML =
      “You have Internet Explorer “ +
      navigator.userAgent.substring(versionBegin, versionEnd);
      <body onload=”checkBrowser()”>
      <h1>Determining your browser</h1>
      <div ID=”targetDiv”></div>

      You can see the results in picture below, where the user is using Firefox 1.0.6. Using code like this, you can figure out what browser the user has — and whether the browser he has doesn’t do what you want, put in some kind of workaround.
      One thing computers are good at is doing the same kind of task over and over, and JavaScript helps out here with loops. I take a look at them in the following
      section to set the stage for working with buttons in Web pages that the user can click.

      Read More - Determining browser type and version Script