Facebook Secret Code
I just want to share it, in between you may already know about the secret code it's.
First Trick:
Secret Code Facebook Try the facebook page, log in as you want it or not.Click on the page is blank
Then press ON, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, ENTER
Last click or type
Later as the effect!
So how do the changes have not?
If you want to stay removed Refresh page or press F5 on your keyboard
Trick second
Weird language on FacebookThe most left of the facebook page, there will be a link to change language.
Click (instead of English (U.S.) or English into English (Pirate)
Oath...! The strange language.
Trick third
What more ChatsWhat we're chatting on facebook, can go as emoticons or other ;-(
Now go try:Putnam:
Images appear later someone
This person named Chris Putnam
Who is he?
According to the leader is a specialist software google facebook
May make the chat feature also.
Trick fourth
I mean picture!
Try to open a photo in facebook yours, which is up
right click, select properties
http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v3791/210/40/1108780451/n1108780451_30254081_1350876.jpg like this
next remove the sign until a forward slash (slash)
time I try to remove the slash, which aja
such a
The resulting picture may be different
try this also
Ok just so facebook trick is, I hope it useful. and congratulations to try ...