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Random Image with Javascript, Follow this step :

1. The first step prepare an image hosting account, no matter where it's allowed.

2. Then copy paste this script to your web.

<script language="javascript">
var bdis = "<img src=\"";
var edis = " style=\"border:none;\">";
var rnumb = "";
var img = "";

rnumb += Math.floor(Math.random()*5);
img = rnumb;

if (img == "0") {document.write(bdis+ "\"" +edis);}
if (img == "1") {document.write(bdis+ "\"" +edis);}
if (img == "2") {document.write(bdis+ "\"" +edis);}
if (img == "3") {document.write(bdis+ "\"" +edis);}
if (img == "4") {document.write(bdis+ "\"" +edis);}
// -->

3. Save changes.

The code is red it can be customized themselves. If you have 10 pictures will be displayed in turn the number "5" is replaced with "10". While the code can be added to own as much as possible, followed by a number from 0 to 9.